Monday, April 23, 2012

I have had a Cyst on my head forever. I touched it tonight and puss came out? what do I do? WILL I B

I've had a cyst about the size of a piece of pop corn on the right side of my for head for as long as I can remember. I am currently 19 and it was alot smaller before but has been growing wih time. The docters said it's not cancerious and I could remove it when ever I wanted but because it wasn't hurting and under my hair (not visible) I could wait.

It's big and red and has no hair on it and i've had tiny irritation over the last year. For some reason it caught my intrest before bed tonight and when i touched it a tiny ball of puss flew out. I'm freaking out cause this is right above my brain...

Is this normal for a Cyst because it's never pussed before? Should I go to the hospital? Am I in danger for infection? Should I touch it? Should I cover it with bandages.

It's past twelve here so it's alittle late to call the docter.

What do I do?

I have had a Cyst on my head forever. I touched it tonight and puss came out? what do I do? WILL I BE OK?

It is finally draining. That is good. Get a washcloth and run it under hot water. Fold it up and press it against the cyst. Keep reheating washcloth to keep warm. Do this for about 10 minutes. Then put some alcohol on a cotton ball and dab that on. Should reduce the swelling by morning.

I have had a Cyst on my head forever. I touched it tonight and puss came out? what do I do? WILL I BE OK?

I assume you'll be fine. The cyst burst on it's own. The doctor would have probably just taken a needle to it to remove the puss anyway so what happened is exactly what the doctor would have done. Cysts are simply little pockets that form in the skin and can contain air, fluid or sometimes semi-fluid material such as your did. Technically though, if it contained puss, it's known as an abscess. However since your doctor told you it was a cyst that's likely what it was.

You should probably treat it the same as you would any other wound. Put some sort of antibacterial ointment on it and keep an eye on it for a few days. If it become red, painful or looks infected then you should, of course, go to the doctor. You may want to anyway just to have him take a look to be safe.

I have had a Cyst on my head forever. I touched it tonight and puss came out? what do I do? WILL I BE OK?

If a cyst become infected it can fill with pus..become swollen, or sore....I wouldnt touch it anymore hun....and I would refrain from putting anything on it....i dont know if it need ER attention..but that is up to you..if u need to ease your mind...but I would call your doc tomarrow to make sure that everything is this point you may want to look into getting it removed....alot of insurance dont want to bother with cyst..but will cover them when they are you have a silicea cyst? I believe they fill with that on web...and look into it more........if ya get to nervous call a loved one to look at it and see what they thing.. I hope this helps a little...I wish ya great luck and health...

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