Monday, April 16, 2012

Is he interested, shy, or just polite? Need male perspective?

I like this guy who's an RA in my building. We've had casual conversations, and he's occasionally asked me out to eat with him and his friends or just with him. He doesn't really seek me out, but sometimes he'll stop and chat with me for a few minutes. Other times he rushes by with an abrupt "hi" as if he doesn't have the time or interest to stop. A couple of times he's touched my hair, either with his hand or by hitting me with a piece of paper. When he and his friends talked to me tonight, he looked at me a lot, which he usually doesn't do. He told us where he was going for dinner, but didn't ask us along. He also told me he was going to have a boring weekend. Should I take these as hints that he wants company? I want to ask him to coffee, but I'm not sure if he only talks to me because I'm a resident and it's his responsibility as an RA. I'm also in a floundering relationship, and I think he knows. Is he interested, or just polite? Should I ask him to hang out?

Is he interested, shy, or just polite? Need male perspective?

Yes and see what happens.

Is he interested, shy, or just polite? Need male perspective?

If you like him...ask him out. It doesn't hurt. If he likes you then you will be able to tell immediately after asking him out..You'll also be able to tell if he is just talking to you because he feels obligated to because he's your RA.

Is he interested, shy, or just polite? Need male perspective?

Guys have the attention span of guppies when it comes to girls..which, if you didn't know is just a tinsy bit over the attention span of a goldfish. Haha..anyways. It seems that this guy is genuinely interested in you. I think you should go for it.

Is he interested, shy, or just polite? Need male perspective?

YEP! HE LIKES YOU! men will hardly touch a womens hair just because... its normally a sign that says "i like you"... how do i know this... because thats how i drop clues to girls im interested in.

Is he interested, shy, or just polite? Need male perspective?

Make sure he is not gay

Is he interested, shy, or just polite? Need male perspective?

Sounds like he is interested. Probably does not want to get too close while you are still in a relationship.

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