I have an interview tomorrow with a private university that I really want to go to. Does anyone have any ideas on what I could wear? I have a three piece suit, several skirts, and white dress shirts and a red button down shirt, as well as many nice t-shirts. Also, I need tips on hair and make-up -and contacts or glasses? I really want to make a good first impression.
Thanks a lot!
What can I wear to a college interview?
Nice Skirt
Blouse with Blazer (if it is cold)
Ballet Flats
What can I wear to a college interview?
Look professional but not like your trying to hard try the red button down shirt and if you have a black pair of pants that would look good together.
What can I wear to a college interview?
Wear a skirt, white dress shirt, and the blazer jacket of your three piece suit. If you have a non-matronly but conservative skirt, would be good.
Wear your hair down, with a headband. Minimal makeup; very little blush; natural eyeliner/mascara.
You want to look conservative but also show your individuality.
What can I wear to a college interview?
If you have any color ful tank tops wear a tank top perferably yellow it is a happy color and a white button up over it leave the top two buttons open. make sure no cleavage or middrift is showing. Then amtch that with the pants to the three piece suit. with heels closed toed and about three inches. Pull your hair back and up it lokks more professional. Hope that helps.
What can I wear to a college interview?
Most eyeglasses make individuals more intellectual so I would wear the glasses. I would wear a 3-piece business suit if it's black/gray. Also, I would wear your hair up in a professional, neat fashion. If you have black dress shoes w/ 1-1 1/2 inch heels, those would do great also. No cleavage, any leg above the knee, etc. Good luck!
What can I wear to a college interview?
Although a suit may seem like too much, I think it's your best bet. For hair, it shouldn't be distracted. You could pull it back into a low ponytail or bun, half back and half down, or even back into a head band.
The same goes for your makeup. Nothing too distracting. Simply evening out your skintone and wearing a bit of lipcolor may be a enough.
I'm not sure whether it matters if you have glasses or contacts since some people have one of the other and no choice.
What can I wear to a college interview?
Some glasses can make you appear more studious, but others may overdo it, which is never good. I would opt for the contacts.
Keep your makeup clean, natural-looking, and simple...no dramatic eyes or shiny berry-stained lips.
Hair should look neat, above all else...you don't want to look sloppy OR overdone. A pony tail or simple bun would work if you don't want to wear your hair down.
For jewelry, I would say stud earrings, and maybe a watch.
A suit might make you look like you're applying to teach at the university; perhaps one of your dress shirts with black pants (or a skirt if you really want to).
Basically, keep it simple. Above all, smile and be yourself! Best of luck to you!!!
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