Monday, April 16, 2012

My bangs are being weiiird. help?

Mk so I got my hair cut like 2 days ago, and i got my bangs cut along with it. this is basically how my hair is cut now, except my hair is slightly longer:

i want them more side swept (like the pic), but when i try to pull a group of hair on the right over to the kinda just sits there in the middle, not grouping with the rest of my bangs.

How can I get my hair to group with the rest of my bangs so that my bangs aren't so..piece-y.

My bangs are being weiiird. help?

ur hair isnt uses to having to go on to one side.....ur just going to have to work with it for a couple days untill it gets used to being in the same place. untill then just wear a middle part or put ur bangs up..

ps i love the hair cut.

My bangs are being weiiird. help?

after you take a shower dry your hair and when you dry your bangs dry the mall to one side. or straighten them all to one side.

My bangs are being weiiird. help?

That happened to me too, really with side swept bangs you have to blow dry them no matter what while brushing them with a roller to get them away from each other

hope this helps (it worked 4 me!)

My bangs are being weiiird. help?

well,I dont' really have an answer for ya cause my hair does the same exact thing,usually when it acts funky though I just comb it alot to try to get it more together,

did you have your bangs cut so they were sideswept?

because that helps,that just means they cut it at an angle

My bangs are being weiiird. help?

I have the same problem sometimes. What I do is straighten them to the side I want them on. Example: This morning I wanted my bangs swept to the right, so I grabbed my iron and straightened them to the right. The heat from the iron makes them stay the way I want them. Hope this helps!!!

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