Monday, April 16, 2012

Goebel Figurine Price Question.?

I have here a Goebel piece that has been traced back to 1929 and to an apparent artist "Maria Tropp." An exact decription of the piece is as follows:

The foundation is one large book with four stacked books on the right side. An angel with a yellow dress and blonde hair is on the left reading another book. The angel has wings and there is text on the novel she is reading. When looking at the piece from the back, the second book of the four stacked has a heart on its spine. The angel's hair is curly. The bottom of her shoes face the front.

We are not sure about the worth of the piece. Any information is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Goebel Figurine Price Question.?

Either go to your local library, they have books on all kinds of collectables and in them many ways to get your piece appraised or maybe even the current market value. The other thing would be to contact the "Collector's Information Bureau"

They publish a secondary market (what they sell for now) and information on the studio's and artists. I'm sure though there is a book I've seen on Goebel. If your's is a branch library they may have to put in a request for the books to be brought to your library, and they may be reference books so they may not be able to be checked out but you can read them there.

Good Luck.

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