Saturday, April 14, 2012

Please interpret my dream?

I was driving a car and I was getting out of a parking space and the car behind me was dangerously too close. I broke and of course they hit me while they were paying attention to an accident on the right side (there was a cop there with the lights).

I got out of the car furious and was ranting and raving that she almost hit me the first time too ; she admitted it and I told her to just write down her info on a piece of paper. (She looked like she had blond hair)

We were in front of her house and she invited me in to write all the info stuff (I think she had a baby and she had another passenger with her). When we went in, the girl turned into my cousin whom I never see, and she went and got her info and handed me a wad of cash and on top a check for $2300.

Her house was average but she had a indoor pool coming in from the outside deck and beyond the deck was a lake. It was very prolific and beautiful. In her indoor pool was a huge fish that seemed to be dancing on the surface of the water.

I remember a fish cooked a platter being given to me.

I saw her husband Charlie coming out of the room, and started a conversation with him and he didn閳ユ獩 seem himself, like he was slowed down by a cold and couldn閳ユ獩 think. He usually is talkative.

I remember asking him a question. Can you eat the fish that閳ユ獨 been in the pool and at first he said no then he changed his answer to yes.

We sat down at the table together and I gathered my stuff.

Please interpret my dream?

I have always found that if you dream of a car accident you should avoid walking. But in you case I don't think it applies. Consider this. I think that no matter how careful you are that something outside of your control is going to cost you a setback but that if you navigate it correctly you might find that in the end you will benefit because of it and be freed from worries (hence the cousin in your dream but then again she could just be on your mind.).

A fish swimming in a dream is an omen of success and personal empowerment. Also eating fish is a good omen of personal undertakings. If you know what kind of fish it was I can probably help narrow it down a little further.

Please interpret my dream?

Find the beauty inside of others? I dunno, that's all I got; I wish I had some more of those dreams.

Please interpret my dream?

Your car will be stolen by a close relative and found 3 weeks later in the bottom of a body of water...pond, lake nearby. The amount of money in your dream is the amount of damage done and will be paid by your insurance agency. The fish signifies that you are currently pregnant and will give birth in the Spring. Also you may want to stop smoking pot before bedtime....

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