Saturday, April 14, 2012

What's a good curling iron?

I sometimes use my mum's straightener (conair satin something or other) to curl my hair, but it takes forever and I can't reach the back. I have really thick hair with loads of layers and I have to go piece by piece for the curls to show. At that rate, it can take an hour to get uneven, somewhat curly hair. Any reccomendations for a better iron, technique, or any way to speed this up?

What's a good curling iron?

CHI - Ceramic Hairstyling Iron is the #1 selling Iron in the

Professional Beauty Industry today. This iron will curl, bend,

flip, spiral and even straighten hair.

Chi 1 Inch Ceramic Flat Iron Hair Straightener

From Chi

Price: $75.99


CHI GF1539 Turbo Big 2 Inch Ceramic Flat Iron Hair

Straightener From CHI

Features: - Variable Temperature up to 356 Degree F

- On/Off switch on the Inside to Prevent Accidental

Turn Off - Swivel Cord to Keep from Tangling while Using

Price: $110 to 135

What's a good curling iron?

your mother's curling iron isn't hot enough to curl your hair at the speed that you desire, you should try CHI curling iron, it's high heat, with a ceramics coating to protect your hair and produces shine to it, also try a tad of hairspray before you apply the iron.

What's a good curling iron?

I have really long thick hair and have found the best curling iron to be found at Sally's Beauty Supply. Im not sure what it is called exactly but it is ceramic plated. Its black and the hot iron part is gold. When i use conair i constantly have to go over and over re-curling. With the ceramic i do it once and it holds for the whole day. Well that and a ton of hair spray, my hair doesn't like to curl w/o a lot of hair spray. I use the big and sexy hair spray it works pretty good. When i curl i start with the bottom layer and pin my hair up and work my way up, it seems to work the best that way. Hair spray every layer as you go up as well.

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