Saturday, April 14, 2012

Whats wrong with my dogs tail?

Anybody know what this could be. My seven year old miniture poodle has a growth on his tail, its like a piece of gum or something stuck in his hair. It came loose once and came off. Now I see its back again. He doesn't seem like it bothers him, but it does me. I am on a fixed income and cannot be running to the vet all the time.

Thanks for any help.

Whats wrong with my dogs tail?

Shave all the area where this is coming from, around the tail and up and down both sides, check the area every day and see if he has something going on, cheat grass is a very common item to work it's way into the skin, also, may be an injury that is abscessed and draining, many things it could be, shaving the skin will not in anyway hurt the dog and it will let you see what is going on. You can buy combiotic at your local farm store and give the dog a shot yourself for an infection, directions are on the box.

Whats wrong with my dogs tail?

fixed income and owning a dog do not mix well,,, it could be a cancerous growth,,, if you cannot afford the vet,,, at least go to your breeder,, they will know what it is,,,,, if you bought a puppymill dog/ backyard breeder dog,,, then, my friend, you are out of luck --- BUT , you can afford a computer and internet service??? priorities are out of whack,,, your pet is a member of your family and a living , feeling, breathing creature who relies TOTALLLY on you for his/her well being

Whats wrong with my dogs tail?

Well, the dog needs to be seen by a vet, obviously. As with humans lumps, growths any thing wierd growing needs to be checked by a vet.

Whats wrong with my dogs tail?

Taste it. You'd be surprised to find what it actually tastes like.

Whats wrong with my dogs tail?

In this instance I would go to the vet for a check-up, this dosn't sound too good, it could be multiple things, or you could just call your vet and ask them about it.

Could be:

Skin fold pyoderma (Skin wrinkle infection): Red, inflamed skin with a foul odor in lip fold, nose fold, vulvar fold and tail fold.

Flea allergy dermatitis: Red, itchy pimplelike bumps over the base of the tail, back of rear legs and inner thighs. Scratching continues after fleas have been killed.

Fleas are readily seen in a dog閳ユ獨 haircoat. They are pencil-lead size, brown, compressed side to side and seem to be in constant motion. They are seen most easily at the base of the tail, between the ears, or in the short hair on the abdomen. Even if the flea is not visible, black specks of excrement may be seen. Many treatments are available; however, the dog閳ユ獨 environment must be treated just as vigorously, since the flea actually spends more time off the dog than on.

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