Monday, April 16, 2012

Break please?

So here's my long complicated hair story. My hair is soo incredibly thick. And on top of that it's really frizzy. I hate it. And last year i cut it to my shoulders, now its about an inch and a half past my shoulders. And it's really unhealthy from dying it. I've given it a break now and it's growing a little more. But the only way I'm happy is if I straighten it, which takes about an hour and a half everyday. I need a break from that, and I want my hair to be long, wavey, and healthy like it was a couple years ago. When I try to do that I brush it the second i get out of the shower and let it air dry with some product in it. But after its dry, if I brush it, it poofs up. I just read a magazine that said I could put it into loose braids and then once its almost dry take some product and piece it out. I'm doubting that. So, is there anything more or anything else I can do to that it dries a little bit shinier and I can piece out in wavey strands with some product?

Break please?


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