Monday, April 16, 2012

How purely VEGAN or VEGETARIAN can such folks consider themselves?

Do the following Guidelines for US food products tarnish their diets?

BROCCOLI, FROZEN Insects and mites

(AOAC 945.82) Average of 60 or more aphids and/or thrips per 100 grams


Rodent filth

(AOAC 968.38b) Average of 11 or more rodent hairs per 50 grams


Insect filth

(MPM-V48) Average of 4% or more pieces are rejects due to insects other than maggots

DEFECT SOURCE: Insect reject - Pre-harvest and/or post harvest insect infestation, Rot reject - pre-harvest mold infection


(AOAC 965.38) Average is 60 or more insect fragments per 100 grams when 6 100-gram subsamples are examined


Any 1 subsample contains 90 or more insect fragments

Rodent filth

(AOAC 965.38) Average is 1 or more rodent hairs per 100 grams in 6 100-gram subsamples examined


Any 1 subsample contains 3 or more rodent hairs


How purely VEGAN or VEGETARIAN can such folks consider themselves?

I agree!! People should eat what they want and not be preached at. I quit eating meat about three weeks ago when I saw how poorly animals are treated. My conscience wont let me eat meat again. I wont have any part of it!! But I wouldn't dare try to tell you or anyone else not to eat meat either. It's all about choices. I have a hard time trusting the government any more. They wont tell us the truth about anything because they don't think we can handle it. I would like to start growing my own food so that I know what I'm eating!!

How purely VEGAN or VEGETARIAN can such folks consider themselves?

All I can say is that I'll stick with my meat products

How purely VEGAN or VEGETARIAN can such folks consider themselves?

i eat meat..... sorry.

and i carry around LV purses

hate all you want but, I %26lt;3 LV!!! anddd chicken

How purely VEGAN or VEGETARIAN can such folks consider themselves?

Oh, that's just gross! Thanks a lot-- I'm NEVER eating again!

How purely VEGAN or VEGETARIAN can such folks consider themselves?


oh, well...protein is necessary in any diet, right?!

%26amp; forget the vegetarian/vegan factor...that stuff is nasty for anyone!!

I WASH what I can %26amp; will (once again...thanks!) have to 'block out' the rest of the info so I don't starve or have to force-feed myself chocolate!)

How purely VEGAN or VEGETARIAN can such folks consider themselves?

Yep, it's all a matter of opinion.

Don't let them see that report!

How purely VEGAN or VEGETARIAN can such folks consider themselves?

Also, every time you take a shower or go to the toilet you kill billions and billions of innocent creatures living in or on you ... murderers!

How purely VEGAN or VEGETARIAN can such folks consider themselves?

Well if you eat broc.. you will be gettin your meat all in one.. I like my meat and veggies..So i guess i have twice the meat when i eat my beef burger.. Who gives a crap anyway.. i say PHOOEY..

How purely VEGAN or VEGETARIAN can such folks consider themselves?

I've often wondered this myself John Right On!!

I couldn't be a vegetarian if I tried. But I do eat organic meats whenever possible.

Vegetarian: Indian word for BAD hunter.

heh heh

Peace and a big, fat juicy steak to YOU!!


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