Monday, April 16, 2012

Choosing a laptop?

I'm asking this question again to get different/more responses.

I need YOUR help. I'm getting deployed to Iraq and I need a Laptop to take with me. The majority of my time will be spent watching movies (from DVD's AND downloading them), and playing games (probably also downloaded).

So I need something with a good graphic and sound card. It wouldn't hurt if is was fast on the internet either. I'm leaving a Price range out on this one. I don't want a cheap piece of $I#%26amp;

that's gonna make me pull what little hair I have out.

If you suggest an apple then you really need to back your opinion on that. I've never had an apple before and it may take some time for me to get used to the setup (and I need something that will be compatable with most software).

Thank you all for your time.

Choosing a laptop?

First, I would like to thank you for fighting for our country and wish you good luck. I have a Mac, and they're great computers. When I switched, it didn't take me long at all to get used to the setup. Software companies are making more and more software compatible with mac, and there are programs like Parrallels which allows you to run Windows software on a Mac. They run for about $70. Macs are more expensive, but they are also much more reliable and have great customer service. You may want to go with something like a Macbook Pro if you're playing games, they are also faster and have a bigger screen for watching videos. Good luck with whatever you choose and good luck in Iraq.

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