Monday, April 16, 2012

My bangs constantly give me a hard time. Can I get some advice on a proper way to style them?

I have side bangs and I've had them for a fairly long time now. I absolutely love the way they look, but they constantly give me problems. I have really wavy, puffy hair so I straighten it, but everytime I go to straighten my bangs, they do a variety of different things. Sometimes, they'll straighten pin straight and lifeless so they look like they're wet and gelled flat. I can't manage to fix them once that has happened. Or, if that doesn't happen, they get really piecey and stringy and you can see my forehead. I hate the way it looks when my bangs piece apart and you can see my foreheard. I have really, really long hair so can't be bothered to blow dry. That's the only difference I've noticed between the way I style my hair and the way my hair dresser does. Is that the key? Or am I missing something else/doing something wrong? Please help me! I'm getting so frustrated.

My bangs constantly give me a hard time. Can I get some advice on a proper way to style them?

when you blow dry your bang, blow dry roots first to the direction to the hair you want them to go. Them blow dry with blush or dry and flat iron them.

My bangs constantly give me a hard time. Can I get some advice on a proper way to style them?


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My bangs constantly give me a hard time. Can I get some advice on a proper way to style them?

I know this all to well, Having very thick naturally curly hair and wanting it to be straight using a straightener is the only way yet the bangs never seem to look right.

I started having my bangs layer sheered where they cut them in all diffrent lengths with a sheerer and my bangs seem to just naturally fall in place now without the straightener

My bangs constantly give me a hard time. Can I get some advice on a proper way to style them?

what i do is bobby pin my bangs back and then straighten them and rat them with a comb.

My bangs constantly give me a hard time. Can I get some advice on a proper way to style them?

You can try just blow drying your bangs since that's your problem. You can also try flat ironing. To keep the gelled look down apply a little gel with wet bangs..then blow dry, that should hold the unruly parts down.

My bangs constantly give me a hard time. Can I get some advice on a proper way to style them?

its all in the cut..go to a new hair dresser if they dont go the way you want them

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