Monday, April 16, 2012

Dreads gone wrong...?

My boyfriend has just begun getting dreads. He was going to get them professionally done but decided he couldn't wait. So about 2 days ago he figured he could just do them by himself (and another friend of course to seperate the parts). His hair is really thin and straight and he bought dread head dread kit to use. However I say that they look nothing like dreads. I understand that its the beginning stage but it looks like he didn't really do anything to his hair. It just looks like he hasnt washed it in a few days. Each piece is fairly straight with a bit of tangling. He has been using the wax and twisting each piece but they still dont look right to me. He says that this is the way they look when there first done and it takes a few weeks for them to look right, but I'm having a hard time believing that. I could be wrong. I like dreads and think they look nice on people but these just dont look right....

Could anyone help me and him? Or tell me if he is doing something wrong....

Dreads gone wrong...?

He's right. They don't just dread off the bat. They take a bit of time. If they still don't look right after 2 weeks, slap him (for entertainment purposes only), then drag him to the salon to get them fixed.

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