Monday, April 16, 2012

Bathingsuit issues??

when ever i wear a 2 piece, i have to always adjust the bottoms because my pubic hair hangs out of it. i dont no how other girls dont have that problem. im 14, havent had my period. is this normal, happen to any of you? what should i do? i dont wanna shave it..

Bathingsuit issues??

You could try a different style bottom. Boy shorts or hipsters are cut lower than bikini-style bottoms and might cover you in the places you're looking to be covered! You can also trim the hair so that it's not long enough to stretch and poke out. If it weren't for shaving/waxing, though, I think just about everyone would show hair when wearing bikini bottoms :)

Bathingsuit issues??

well i suggest u try trimming the hairs a bit...i think it looks sexy as hell....trim off the hairs that are showing on the side or w.e. really short.....good luck

Bathingsuit issues??

If you don't want to shave, I suggest you wax. That's the only way to get rid of those hairs and keep them from being seen. I HAVE to shave there in order for nothing to show. Just be careful, use plenty of shaving cream if you do end up shaving, and you should be all right. The vast majority of women have to shave there to wear bathing suits.

Bathingsuit issues??

Why don't you wear the swim shorts instead?

Bathingsuit issues??

Hi Sweetie,

Yes, that would be embarressing! If U want

something 4 that area alone, I'd advise u to

either get long lasting hair removal, like Neet

or a Bikini Wax, which U can buy a kit %26amp; do at home. But Please don't shave there, U'll regret the rash %26amp; pimples that follow, o.k?

LOL, Diana D

Bathingsuit issues??

yeah, you shouldnt shave it, it will only make it worse. you need to wax and i pormise its not as bad as you think it is. after the first few times, the hair grows finer and it hurts less and less. its soooo much better than having to worry about sticking out of your bathing suit because thats really embarrassing. other than that, idk maybe try a different bathing suit or learn to deal with it. i got mine done yesterday because im going on vacation and it didnt hurt that much, its quick and lasts for a month. i would talk to your mom about it and see if she will make you an appointment.

Bathingsuit issues??

Don't shave or wax just yet. Just get a scissors and trim the hairs real short. This will make them unnoticeable! Good luck! =D

Bathingsuit issues??

Wear swimming shorts on top of the bikini bottoms. I do that and plenty others do too.

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