Saturday, April 14, 2012

New haircut?

I have curly hair. I used to have long, about hip-length hair. But my hairdresser cut it so the longest piece touches shoulder (with layers). But, I've noticed that it's smoother, healthier, and prettier. And waaayyy more low maintnance. But people say don't cut your hair if it's curly. So, why does mine look so good short?

New haircut?

Don't cut your hair if it's curly? Who the heck told you that? Cutting your hair will definitely make it smoother and healthier. On top of that, it can look great short. You probably know how to style it that's why! ; )

New haircut?

It only matters if you like it because it's your hair.

New haircut?

if you think that it looks good with your hair shorter then you should cut your hair.

New haircut?

everybody has an opinion!! some we take some we throw out the window without letting the other know it. None of us are cut from the same mold, everyone has a different shape face, facial features eye shape etc. some people look good in short hair and some do not and some know how to take care of it and some don't if you are happy with walah there you go!! some people see a picture in a magazine and say i want that cut and really expect themselves to look as good as the person in the picture not true. to each his in you case her own what is good for one is not good for the other, you may weigh the same as another person same height and all but if you both try the same pair of jeans on one is going to look better in them than the other think about it.

New haircut?

I would. I have curly hair as well and I keep mine short. I have never heard of not cutting it if it is curly.

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