Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Who are you?

:P list 5 things... unique things

1. I have to bite off both ends of a french fry before eating the whole thing.

2. I don't know how to roller blade/skate :P

3. I've had to cut my hair really short once for dipping it in a bubblegum maker.

4. I always leave one of everything on my plate when im done eating. (Once piece of corn, one spoonfull of potatoes, one chicken nugget, etc...)

5. I'm addicted to online games.. %26gt;.%26gt; lol.


best answer = most unique and/or funny

Who are you?

1. i won't eat pizza unless it has mayonnaise on it

2. i like all my books and dvd's to be in alphabetical order

3. if i miss even the first minute of law and order svu i won't watch it

4. i can't sleep unless i have somewhre to grip my toe onto (yes i'm serious)

5. i cannot the bathroom anywhere or anytime no matter how bad i need to go if i know there is someone who might hear me

6. if i break a glass and it leaves me with an uneven number of glasses, i will break another one..same goes for plates

Who are you?



Pimpled face



Who are you?


Music Freak

Sports champ


Galz love me :)

Who are you?

Emotional not


O, what a pessimist.

Who are you?

1) I'm a romantic pervert.

2) I like cats.

3) Right now I have an awesome view across Auckland harbour, at 6.00 pm the sun is still high and it's a nice temp.

4) When I put all the gear on, I look a hell of a lot like Jack Sparrow.

5) I sometimes wear eyeliner even when I'm not Jack. An old g/f thought it looked hot on me, and I agreed.

Who are you?

1) I have the weird compulsion to make things even (i.e, I have to chew on both sides of my mouth an equal amount of times before I swallow.)

2) I think I have a mild case of Multiple Personality Disorder because I constantly fluctuate from being an idiot %26amp; being a smarta*s.

3) I can't stand fried potato chips.

4) I'm obsessed with Harry Potter (series.)

5) I am the only nerd in the world who DOES NOT LIKE MATH OR SCIENCE.

Who are you?

1.I love animals and I am a volunteer coordinator for Animal Control.

2 I was teased in school because I said worsh instead of wash.

3.I have a really bad temper that is hard for me to control

4.I love fishing,reading and any thing outdoors.

5.Don't ask me any thing unless you want to know the truth.I will not lie to you.

Who are you?

i have a very high matabolism

i love people

i bite my nails

women fall in love with me

i always leave the toilet seat down

Who are you?

1. I'm a country lover at heart

2. I cry when I hear about people breaking up

3. I've got a cut on my foot right now

4. I'm in love with the computer!

5. I like being here at Y A, P%26amp;S

6. I like your question

Who are you?

I have to put eyeliner on the left eye first.

I could win a screaming contest against almost anyone

My biggest fear is probably freezing to death

I used to cry when i would get my haircut. I would cry through it.

I hate cheese plain!

Who are you?

..you sound interesting.........this is me...

1. don't eat red m %26amp; m's

2. don't like heights but I go anyway so I dont' miss anything

3 love to make one thing %26amp; eat it all week, like salad, soup...

4 love words...delirious, connection, fluidity, atrocious .......

5 am in love w/a younger man

6 i count things...all the time...to myself....i know.....

7 i'm writing a book....

8 i don't like to cry.....probably pride or something.....

9 love old 70's rock n roll...cream, lz, stones, eagles......鈾?br> 10 have lost a son....it sucks..........

鈾?br>Who are you?

1. I don't like dogs even though I own one. (cause i'm scerd of them)

2. I love to dip my french fries in vanilla icecream

3. I love to eat hot pudding

4. I love to share pics as a way to amuse myself

(i didn't say pics of myself...but.....hehe

5. I am horribly clumsy

Who are you?

1. I like to eat lemon with sugar. Cut the lemon in half and dip it in the sugar. Sometimes I eat the lemon with honey.

2.I like japanese animation since I broke up with my ex, I used to hate it before.

3. I do not like strawberries.

4. I still like stuff animals and I'm already an adult.

5. I dunno shave my legs during winter.

Who are you?

im addicted to bringing all electronical devices with me anywhere i go...

i have special places just "mine" ..like my seat in the car or on the couch or in bed ..and kick off whoever is there cuz its .."mine"

im addicted to having my punk bracelets on.. almost all the time..

ive never taken off my necklace not even in the shower since i got it 2 years ago..

and i constantly crack my knuckles...

Who are you?

can clap with one hand

whenever i turn the volume up on the tv it has to end in 0 or 5

i used to shave my head

i once wore a pink shirt on a dare... then wore it 2 more times after that.

i have a size 15 4E shoe

Who are you?

1.Dont know how to swim,and really afraid of deep water

2.Have never seen the ocean or been to a beach

3.whatever I get on on my plate I finish

4.Love Y%26amp; A

5.Have been married since the ripe old age of 14

Who are you?

1freindly neighborhood (fill in the blank, you know you know it)

2im have in iq of 120(realy high)

3i seek the truth rather than believing everything im told by the media

4i know that 911 is a conspericy

5i know that the federaral reserve bank is EXACTLY the reason for the american revolution(cental banking, just google it)

Who are you?

1. i space out to worlds inside my own head..

2. i like faries, but not the tinker bell kind..

3. if i eat chocolate i get migranes.. i love chocolate!

4. music is my second home.. as weird as that sounds

5. i have the craziest dreams, remember them all, sometimes write them down.. and tell them as stories.. which freak people out =]

haha five things? that's not enough =p

Who are you?

1. I eat the caramel off of a Twix bar first.

2. I don't get suduko

3. I once had to cut my hair short because I fried it by coloring it way to much.

4. I always eat my pizza with Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing. That's the only dressing I like.

5. I have 2 different sides, one I show to my family and one I show to my friends. The one that's true I show to my friends!

Who are you?

1. all the time i pass by a sink i have to wash my hands, if i can

2. i cant be the first on in a pool or the last one out, or i freak out

3. i cant pronounce the s and if i try i stutter

4. if im alone in the house i have to have a door to the outside open and all the inside doors closed

5.im a vegiterian and i dont eat watermelon at all because it reminds me of meat

6. if i eat sour candy and their green and yellow i save those for last

7. i keep an extra safteypin inside all my bras (comes in handy)

Who are you?

I am a man, but own over 125 Ariel dolls

I spoke to Bob Dylan about his lyrics

I was voted "Most Cynical" in my senior year at high school

I was once at an orgy, but never had sex

I can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue

Who are you?

1. im MUSLIM

2. i hate rosie o donnel

3. i watch west side story everyday, but i usually just skip to the singing.. love that tony lol..

4. i used to use a program called WPE on myspace chats and freeze up the rooms, until i got my account suspended

5. i love sleeping

Who are you?

* If I spill salt I always throw a pinch over my left shoulder to get into the devil's eyes

* I never lose my temper unless it would be detrimental to keep it

*I can't put mascara on unless my mouth is open

*I don't suffer from insanity-I quite enjoy it

*I'm not a pheasant plucker-I'm a pheasant plucker's wife and when we pluck together it's a pheasant plucking life

Who are you?

1. I'm a huge literary nerd who reads and writes excessively;obsessed with learning more words for my vocabulary, and unusually obsessed with composition notebooks.

2. I love ramen noodles-even though I'm allergic to them; and I literally get very irritated if I don't have at least one piece of junk food a day.

3.I can't fall asleep unless I hear a song that I really like on my radio or ipod(preferably punk rock).

4.Every sport I play, I sprain my ankle at the exact same spot during the same season of a year.

5. instead of critiquing myself in the mirror, I always tend to make really funny and goofy faces, and laugh while doing it.

6. Even though I'm a introvert in general, I can still be quite obnoxious, loud, and a bit crazy sometimes around my friends.

7. I get very irritated when someone has a nickname for my butt.

8. Sometimes, I say my thoughts out loud. Most of the time, it's not a innocent thought.lol...

9. Sometimes, when anyone isn't looking and I'm very happy, I do the victory dance or that "jump on it" dance.

Who are you?

1. i always like to write things or draw hearts in the air when im bored

2. i like to pencil spin and it is actually a japanese sport

3.my hair turned weird and poofy after i came home from china o_0

4.i dont know how to swim :-P

5.when i touch something, i always smell my hand o_0 haha, really weird, i know

Who are you?

Weird i do #4 to, or i leave the last bite of something.

1. I have to drink 8 espressos a night, it just my thing.

2. I prefer my coke room temperature, i hate ice in my drinks. I drink beer this way to.

3. Even though i have no feeling in 3 fingers in both hands, i can still type.

4. I'm honest and have a big heart even though everyone in my family has nicknamed me Evil One.

5. I have an exact twin that's 6 years younger than me...My sister is my clone i think LOL

This was a really hard question to answer!!!

Who are you?

So鈥? to 5 (I won鈥檛 bother you with 6 to 100鈥?

1. If, like tonight, I have carrots (orange), onions (yellow), rice (white), lentils (brown) and sausage (red), I鈥檒l make sure the last five bites on my meal will be orange, yellow, white, brown and red (I never leave anything on my plate鈥ould be an affront to anybody starving anywhere, anytime).

2. I鈥檓 a very good chess player but I don鈥檛 look like one (I鈥檓 a girl and too cute).

3. I had long hair until the age of 3鈥t which time my brother cut half of my head so my mother had to cut the other half, thanking the Gods she would not have to untangle my hair anymore every mornings. Then, 10 years later, when I was 13, I rebelled and decided to have long hair again鈥y then, my mother did not really care鈥he untangling was MY problem.

4. My favorite color is yellow, and maybe orange in some occasion鈥nd I鈥檓 not ashamed of this.

5. I use lucid/vivid dreams weekly so I get to a point where I don鈥檛 really know if anything is real or not. Am I sleeping?

Who are you?

- am a divorced muslim mom to two boys

-cant ride a bike or a car for that matter

-am 29 and still sleep with the bedroom light on

-am very forgetful(once forgot my son when he was threee in the shops thankfully he was not aware of it)

-i eat ketchup with everythig from spinach to rice with curries with everyhting

dont drink milk or eat anything wiht milk that is visble ie.cereals rice puddings vanilla ice cream

-i have to make my bed just before i go to sleep never in the morning otherwise i cant sleep the whole night

-am bubbly loud confident and play jumping on the bed wiht kids skip down the oad with my kids(that is a sight as i wear hijab and abaya and live in the uk

-addicted to eastenders and hollyoaks i wish i wasnt

Who are you?

i am addicted to internet

i am slim and smart

i wear an hijaab

i like to eat so much chocolates

i love to sleeeeep . i sleep more than 12 hours daily :)

i like to read books :D

Who are you?

Dr. NoiseWater... world renowned

just on YA though

Who are you?

I'm short sweet sassy %26amp; sexy just ask anyone that knows me. I

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