Saturday, April 14, 2012

Was Abraham's son the missing link?

Genesis 25

24And when the time came, the twins were born. 25The first was very red at birth. He was covered with so much hair that one would think he was wearing a piece of clothing. So they called him Esau.[b] 26Then the other twin was born with his hand grasping Esau's heel. So they called him Jacob.[

Was Abraham's son the missing link?

Can I just say ouch for their mother? Hairy kid (those little hairs can cut you), then other kid coming out ARM first? Gah!

Was Abraham's son the missing link?

I'm not sure I want to know that one! Thanks! =0) Report It

Was Abraham's son the missing link?

have you seen people from the middle east? they can be insanely hairy. maybe they're all the missing link?

I dont think so.

Was Abraham's son the missing link?

that is not nice but sorta interesting cause all the people in the Bible were hairy in the middle east they all are .

Jeremias H., age 14

Was Abraham's son the missing link?

If Abraham's son was the missing link then why do monkeys still fling sh it?

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