Monday, April 16, 2012

Can sumone help me solve this case for my forensics class please!!...i need it for skewl 2mr and i c

INITIAL INVESTIGATIVE REPORT-Introduction to Case 96-3337

1. Case 96-3337

This R/O (Reporting Officer) was on routine patrol in the Everett, WA area. On December 9 at 1 a.m. I saw a light on in the Everett Warehouse. I investigated and found the door to the building open. When I walked into the warehouse I saw the body of a white male lying on the floor. There was blood on the floor and a gunshot wound in the head. A wallet was in his pants pocket with no money, but had driver's license with the name Ralph Voosen. A file cabinet drawer containing files of financial material was pulled open. A spent gun cartridge was on the floor. No other people were in the building. I called for back up and ambulance. Attempt to revive victim was not successful, and he was pronounced DOA at Catawba Hospital.

Officer J. Beach

2. Autopsy Report:

Name: Ralph Voosen

Description: White Male, 5'8", 180 lb. DOB 5/12/66

Brown hair, no facial hair or tattoos

Blood type A

Cause of death--massive hemorrhage in brain


Bullet was in brain. No barium or lead was found on hands. There were skin cells under the fingernails of the victim.

Time of death is estimated to be between 11 p.m and midnight on Dec. 8.

Toxicology report: no alcohol or unusual material in blood.

Dr. P. J. Keeler, pathologist

3. Crime Scene Report

No fingerprints were found at the scene other than those of the deceased. Hair samples were taken in the room. Blood was sampled from victim and from the floor. Victim's clothes were taken and examined. A note was found in the right pants pocket which read "Meet me in your warehouse office at 11 p.m. tonight. We need to talk." The wallet contained a driver's license but no money. The victim had a set of keys with a front door key to the building, office key, house key and key to the victim's car.

Officer Glen Walker, Evidence Technician

4. CASE 96-3337: Interviews

Transcript of Interview with Pat Mayhew,102 15th St. NE, Dec. 9, 9 a.m.

Pat Mayhew is a white female, DOB 4/3/71

She has blond hair, blue eyes and is 5'6", 130 pounds

She works as a receptionist/bookkeeper for Mr. Voosen's company Compufix. Ms. Mayhew was very upset when she was told of Mr. Voosen's death. She said they were dating and had discussed marriage. On the night of Dec. 8 she went to dinner with the deceased from 7-9 p.m. The couple then came back to her house where they watched TV Mr. Voosen left around 10:30. He said he was going home to bed. No mention was made of going to the warehouse.

This R/O interviewed neighbors of Pat Mayhew on both sides of the street. The only neighbor home on Dec. 8 was Ellen Carolla, 104 15th St. NE

Interviewed on Dec. 9 10 a.m Mrs. Carolla has a clear view of the Mayhew driveway when her curtain is open. She said she saw a car drive up around 9 p.m. on Dec. 8 as a TV program was ending. She had her windows open and heard Ms. Mayhew and boyfriend Ralph Voosen in heated argument. Mrs. Carolla said she heard Ms. Mayhew say "You are such a loser and I wish I 'd never set eyes on you." The couple then went into Ms. Mayhew's house. Mrs. Carolla went to bed at 10 p.m. and did not see or hear Mr. Voosen leave.

5. CASE 96-3337: Interviews

Interview with Richard J. Barnes

1960 44th St. NW, Hickory

Partner with Mr. Voosen, the deceased in computer repair business called Compufix for 2 years.

Interviewed Dec. 9, 2 p.m.

Mr. Barnes is a white male, 150 lb. 5'10" DOB June 1, 1970, Brown hair, brown eyes

He had invested in 50% of the business with Mr. Voosen. He mainly traveled out of town to fix computers, leaving Mr Voosen to do some repair work in town on weekends and in the summer. The business was going very well, they had more work than they could keep up with. On the night of Dec. 9 he said he was home repairing computers and went to bed around 11 p.m. He has no witnesses to this.

6. CASE 96-3337: Interviews

Interview with Mr. Scott Stuckey, Co-worker at Everett Warehouse

3205 34th St. Dr. NE

Time of Interview: 8 a.m. Dec. 9

Mr. Stuckey confirmed that the deceased was employed as a Computer Analyst at the Everett Warehouse and that he also had a computer repair business on the side. Mr. Stuckey was a friend of the deceased and talked with him when they had breaks together. He said the deceased had been dating Pat Mayhew on a regular basis, and that before dating the deceased, Ms. Mayhew had dated Patrick Barnes, the partner in the business. He said that he couldn't imagine what Mr. Voosen was doing in the warehouse at the time of death. He could have come to get some files or financial records that he needed to redo for the warehouse. He did not know offhand of any enemies the deceased might have. He was not that familiar with the computer business and how it was going.

Officer J. Beach

7. Banking Information

Wachovia Bank Acct. 66208 321-00

Ralph Voosen


December 6

Check to Compufix, Inc


December 7

No transactions

December 8

Wachovia Visa Charge

Red Lobster, Everett, WA


9:01 p.m.

ATM Withdrawal

10:45 p.m.



Case 96-3337

Exhibit A-hair from deceased Ralph Voosen

Exhibit B-hairs from crime scene

Exhibit C-Hair from Pat Mayhew

Exhibit X-Hair from Richard Barnes

Exhibit D-Blood from crime scene

Exhibit E-blood from victim

Exhibit F-Blood from Pat Mayhew

Exhibit G-Blood from Richard Barnes

Exhibit I--Piece of note

Exhibit J-Pen from pocket of deceased

Exhibit K-Pen from purse of Pat Mayhew

Exhibit L- Pen from pocket of Richard Barnes

Exhibit M-DNA from cells found under fingernails of victim

Exhibit N-DNA from white blood cells of Pat Mayhew

Exhibit O-DNA from white blood cells of Richard Barnes

Exhibit P-wallet containing drivers license, ATM teller receipt

Can sumone help me solve this case for my forensics class please!!...i need it for skewl 2mr and i cant get it

Ok, I think I have the answer. Mr. Barns and Ms. Mayhew were in on it together. They each have the most to gain, and together they have even more motive. They were probably still seeing each other. It's just too convienent how perfectly Ms. Mayhew knows the exact times of everything and that she has an alibi which doesn't add up. The first clue is that they arrived at the house at about 9, while they were supposed to be eating. The neighbor said that she saw them come home at about nine because her show was ending. Shows don't end at exactly the hour, but usually about 10 minutes before. This would give Ms. Mayhew plenty of time to take the ATM card out of Mr. Voosen's wallet and give it to Mr. Barns. Mr. Barns could run out and create an alibi for Ms. Mayhew at Red Lobster. (Between Mr.Voosen's partner and girlfriend, I'm sure one of them knew his pin number).Ms. Mayhew wanted us to think they were eating out at Red Lobster to paint the picture of the perfect couple. Notice how she also said they talked about marriage. The biggest clue is that $26 is not enough for two people to eat nice dinners at Red Lobster, but it is enough for one person. Mr. Burns ordered the food (probably take-out) and asked for the check ASAP. Meanwhile, Ms. Mayhew and Mr. Voosen were having an argument. Yet, Mr. Barns was sure to use the ATM card at exactly 10:45 to give Ms. Mayhew an alibi. She knew to say that Mr. Voosen left at 10:30. At 11:00, Ms. Mayhew shot Mr. Voosen. Mr. Voosen faught back, hince the skin nder his nails. The neighbor didn't hear this because she was already asleep (Ms. Mayhew may have also used a silencer). Ms. Mayhew and Mr. Barns moved the body. They drove in seperate cars and got into the warehouse using Mr. Voosen's keys, left the note, left the gun clip (which wouldn't have any prints on it anyway), then wiped down the fingerprints from what they touched. Then they left the ATM receipt in his wallet to verify the alibi (keeping the money and ATM card). There is no real evidence there but because the body was moved. The blood will prove to also be his own. Had the murder taken place there, there would be signs of a strugle. Then the two rummaged through the files and left the gun crtridge, note and body there to make it look like it was someone related to his job at the warehouse, which would shift blame from either of them. Then they left the light on and waited for the body to be found.

The ways to prove this would be to (A) check the DNA under the fingernails and see that it belongs to Ms. Mayhew, (B) check at Red Lobster and see if man or a couple ordered the food, (C) see which pen wrote the note. It should be one of the three, and (D) look on the camera and see who took the money out of the ATM.

Can sumone help me solve this case for my forensics class please!!...i need it for skewl 2mr and i cant get it

first thing that sticks in my mind is the note....they can match the ink from ms. mayhew pin with the ink on the they can match the dna under the deceased finger nail and see if they match hers....

Can sumone help me solve this case for my forensics class please!!...i need it for skewl 2mr and i cant get it

Looks like you'll be missing some sleep tonight, doing the preparation you should have already done - or, conversely, just flunking...

Can sumone help me solve this case for my forensics class please!!...i need it for skewl 2mr and i cant get it

Ok is the neighbor sure of the time, cause the bill from red lobster was at 901, and she was watching a program ending at 9, they couldn't of been at the gf house then....and the atm transaction what happened to the money, but anyway the gf is lying

Can sumone help me solve this case for my forensics class please!!...i need it for skewl 2mr and i cant get it

He worked at the warehouse it was not his . so who took the $300.oo he got from the Atm Must have left the note in his pocket.? How far from resturant to her place?? and what did they have for dinner? that only cost $26.42/

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