Wednesday, May 2, 2012

People that hate their life, made mistakes,? READ PLZZ!?

plz read this story,i love it! and i hope u will to [[ i didnt write it]]

I watched myself being loaded onto a stretcher. There was a medic about Dad閳ユ獨 age standing aside from the others, crying quietly as he watched me being carried from the building.

The sun shone brightly through the window of my hospital room as I awoke from my drug-induced sleep. The light hurt my eyes, but I didn閳ユ獩 mind. I knew it would be the last time I saw the morning sunlight.

My new friend was sitting next to my bed, just as he was before the drugs finally let me sleep. I was too weak to move, but I could see him out of the corner of my eye. It has been several days since he came into my room. He saw I was awake and smiled, but didn閳ユ獩 speak. I have never heard him speak. I feel I have known him all my life, but we have never met, and I don閳ユ獩 know his name.

My thoughts went back to the day he came to me. I saw him enter as my nurse was adjusting my morphine drip. He sat in a chair next to my bed after the nurse left. The morphine made me too drowsy to ask him who he was, and I soon fell asleep. Later, when the nurse awakened me for more medication, I asked her who the man in the room was.

She glanced around then took my hand. "There閳ユ獨 no man in the room, Amy dear. Don閳ユ獩 be frightened; the medication you閳ユ獧e taking can cause hallucinations. I閳ユ獟l ask the doctor to check on you." She patted my hand gently, and I gave her a weak smile to let her know I was okay.

I stopped thinking about the man next to me and lay quietly in the heat from the morning sun. Mom and Dad came in as I was enjoying the warmth. I could see the pain in their eyes as they watched their nineteen-year-old daughter in her final hours of life. They too, knew I was going to die today. I wanted to tell them how much I loved them, but I was too weak to talk. I smiled then closed my eyes to rest.

I felt a light touch on my arm and looked up. My new friend took my hand, and helped me to my feet. We walked to the door of my room, then turned to look back. I could see myself lying in bed as Mom and Dad sat with me. Mom was crying softly, to keep from disturbing my sleep, and Dad looked the saddest I had ever seen him. I knew he wanted to cry too, but was trying to stay strong for Mom閳ユ獨 sake.

I didn閳ユ獩 think it was strange, being able to walk again and seeing myself in bed. Somehow it seemed right, and I knew I was safe with my new friend. I asked him where we were going, but he just smiled and led me to a familiar door. It was my bedroom door at home.

My friend didn閳ユ獩 speak, but took my hand as we stopped by the door. The sad look on his face told me I wouldn閳ユ獩 like what was going to happen in that room. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze then released me.

I don閳ユ獩 know how, but I was suddenly inside the room looking around at all of my old familiar things, and feeling great joy at being home again. A young girl was typing at my computer, and I knew it was me. I was surprised to see what a pretty girl I had been. I had always thought I was plain looking, with my strawberry blonde hair, freckles, and blue eyes, but now I could see the beginnings of the beautiful young woman I would never have the opportunity to become. I realized I was looking at myself as I had been five years earlier, and I felt afraid. I remembered this day.

I watched in horror as she typed the following words. "Hi! My name閳ユ獨 Amy, and I閳ユ獡 14 years old. Does anyone want to chat with me?"

I cried out, "No, Amy! You don閳ユ獩 know what you閳ユ獧e doing. Please, Amy, Stop!" I felt tears of frustration in my eyes, and I realized she couldn't hear my voice.

Mom had warned me not to go into strange chat rooms and gave me a list of safe ones, but a friend from school told me about a chat room with lots of "hot" boys. I had decided to just check it out. I knew the words that would show up next on her monitor, and prayed to God to make them different. I cried as they showed up. "Hi, my name閳ユ獨 Chad. I閳ユ獡 15 and I go to Lincoln high school. I閳ユ獓 love to chat with you, Amy. Where do you go to school?"

I watched as I told him my school, and sent him my picture. I saw the happy smile on my face when he typed the next message. "I got your picture, Amy. You閳ユ獧e really pretty. Do you have a boyfriend?"

I turned away to keep from seeing the rest, and knew it would be only a few days until that horrible event would happen again. I turned to my friend for comfort. He held me close for a moment, then wiped the tears from my eyes as I asked, "Isn閳ユ獩 there any way to stop this?"

He sadly shook his head. I said, "Please take me back to the hospital. Let me go back and die." I cried quietly with my eyes shut tight.

The sounds around me changed. Instead of the quiet clicking of the keyboard, I heard the laughter of children playing. When I opened my eyes, I saw my old grade school building. I looked around in panic for my younger self, and saw her walking up to a car that had just pulled to the curb. She began to talk to the man in the car. I didn閳ユ獩 go closer; I already knew what he would be saying. "Hi! Are you Amy? I閳ユ獡 Chad閳ユ獨 Uncle Ned. He asked me to pick you up and bring you to the video store where he works after school."

I watched sadly as she got into the car. How could I have been so stupid? I turned to leave, but found myself in the car with the younger Amy instead. I could see their faces clearly as they talked. "Uncle Ned" was bragging up his nephew, and Amy was smiling and happy. I remembered myself thinking, "I閳ユ獡 finally going to have a boyfriend to show off to the girls at school."

I noticed we were in a rundown part of town. Most of the buildings were empty storefronts, and Amy was getting nervous. Uncle Ned said, "Don閳ユ獩 worry honey, I閳ユ獡 just taking a shortcut. We閳ユ獟l be out of here soon."

I recognized the man standing near a stop sign. When the car stopped, he jumped into the passenger seat forcing Amy towards the driver. The door shut, and they drove off with Amy looking terrified and confused. The man grinned at Ned and said, "You got us a cutie this time." Both men laughed, as his hands reached for her. I cried as I watched myself struggle, and beg them to let me out of the car.

The car pulled behind a deserted building, and I watched helplessly as I was dragged into the building. The thought of watching my own rape terrified me, and I tried to run, but my legs wouldn閳ユ獩 move. I found myself inside the building with Amy, and cried out, "Please God! Take me from this place, and let me die."

I felt the pain and fear all over again, as I was forced to watch. I could taste vomit in my mouth, and feel the same tearing agony as the younger Amy was feeling. I watched as they assaulted her, and I remembered the last thought that went through her mind before she passed out from the pain. "Why do they hate me so much?"

I was grateful that Amy was unconscious. I wondered why I could see the things that happened to me after I had passed out. I asked God to take us both from this place, but He didn閳ユ獩 answer my plea. It was a long time before they finished with Amy and left her crumpled body on the filthy floor. The one called Uncle Ned gave a final look at Amy and laughed. I wondered why God had created brutal animals like these men.

My legs wouldn閳ユ獩 move when I tried to go to her. All I could do was wait for the help I knew was coming, because I had already survived this day once. The door opened, and I thought help had finally arrived, but I was wrong. A group of shabby men came in, and it started all over again. Amy lay limp and seemingly lifeless as they attacked her, until they heard sirens coming and ran off. I could see blood running out of Amy, as her life slowly ebbed away.

"My God", said the first policeman on the scene. He hollered for his partner to get an ambulance, and fast.

I watched myself being loaded onto a stretcher, as they got ready to transport me to the hospital. There was a medic about Dad閳ユ獨 age standing aside from the others, crying quietly as he watched me being carried from the building.

I was in the ambulance with Amy. I cried for her. I remembered what she would go through before she ended up in the hospital bed that I had left a short while ago.

Time began to move faster now. I watched as they managed to save Amy閳ユ獨 life, and I was with her when Mom and Dad took her home several weeks later.

I was with her as she lived in fear of leaving the house to go back to school, and I remembered that Mom would walk me into the building, and back out when school was over. I had been afraid to go anywhere alone, and seldom left the house unless it was to go see the doctor. I was forced to share the fear and horror Amy felt, as she fought to keep the memories of that day buried deep within, only to find them coming back during her sleep.

I was with her the day that Mom, Dad, and Amy went to my doctors office, and were told that she had tested HIV positive.

I was with her the day the school officials told her that, under the circumstances, she should be schooled at home.

I was with her the day she was taken to the hospital emergency room, and told her drug therapy wasn閳ユ獩 working. I heard the doctors tell her that side effects had caused damage to her internal organs that couldn閳ユ獩 be repaired. The doctors had no answers to give her.

I was with her when her pain got so bad she had to be hospitalized repeatedly, until she finally got too weak to live any longer, and I lay in my hospital bed, once again waiting to die.

I had relived the five years of hell that took place from the day I was raped, until today. The day of my death!

I felt a familiar touch on my arm and looked up. My friend looked at me and spoke for the first time. "It閳ユ獨 time to go, Amy. Don閳ユ獩 be afraid; you閳ユ獧e safe now. You閳ユ獟l never be hurt again." He smiled gently, and I wasn閳ユ獩 afraid anymore.

I turned for one last look as we passed through the doorway, and tried to go back to Mom and Dad. They were holding each other and crying, as the doctors fought to bring me back to life. My friend held me back and said, "They閳ユ獟l be okay, Amy. We have to go now. There閳ユ獨 no pain where we閳ユ獧e going, and you閳ユ獟l be happy there."


Suddenly, I was on a long path going off into the distance, and my pain was gone. I could run again, and I ran ahead for no other reason than I could. My friend called to me. "Stay on the path, Amy."

The area off the path was hidden in a heavy mist. I stopped and waited for him to catch up. He took my hand in his as we walked together. I saw a bright light in the distance, and felt attracted to it. I began to walk faster, but my friend held me back and said, "We have to stop awhile to talk, Amy. Come with me."

The mist along the path cleared, and he took me into a stone gazebo with a table and chairs inside. After we were seated he began to speak.

"My name is Arielle, Amy. You閳ユ獫e seen me a lot of times in your life. I閳ユ獫e been with you since before you were born. I cried with you the day you were raped, but God doesn閳ユ獩 let me interfere with things in your life. I閳ユ獡 just a watcher, and my job is to comfort you during bad times and keep a record of how you live your life. I閳ユ獫e been praying to God for something I rarely ask from Him. He asked me to bring you here, and wait for His answer. We閳ユ獟l stay until we hear from Him." He gave me a comforting smile as we waited to hear from God.


Someone was shaking me. I heard Mom閳ユ獨 voice. "Wake up, Amy! You閳ユ獫e been having a bad dream. You閳ユ獧e safe now, wake up dear."

I opened my eyes and found myself in my own bed. I stared at Mom as she looked at me with a worried expression. I felt strange as if something wasn閳ユ獩 right; I looked in my dressing table mirror, and saw I was fourteen again. I felt full of energy and didn閳ユ獩 hurt anywhere.

I smiled and said, "So this is what heaven is like. I get to live my life over again. Mom, what are you doing here?"

Mom put her hand on my forehead and said, "I don閳ユ獩 think you閳ユ獧e running a fever, but you sure are acting and talking strangely. Do you feel sick, dear?"

I sat up, gave her a big hug, and said, "Mom, I閳ユ獫e never felt better in my life. I love you so much. Where閳ユ獨 Dad! I have to see Dad." I got up and ran to their bedroom. Dad woke as I bent down and kissed his cheek.

He looked at me and smiled. "What was that for, Amy? Look at the time. It閳ユ獨 four in the morning. Go back to bed and let me sleep."

I kissed him again, and gave Mom a kiss on my way back to my room. She laughed and said, "That must have been a great dream to wake up this happy." I grinned and went back to bed.


As soon as I closed my eyes, I began to dream. I found myself sitting inside the stone gazebo with Arielle again. He smiled as he took my hand and explained.

"God granted me my prayer, Amy. You won閳ユ獩 be going to heaven quite yet. I閳ユ獟l take you another day, a long time from now. You really are sleeping in your own bed, and you閳ユ獧e healthy and strong again. That terrible day your life was destroyed hasn閳ユ獩 come yet. God is giving you a second chance to live your life."

I wanted to hug him for saving me, but wasn閳ユ獩 sure I should. He must have read my mind.

"It閳ユ獨 okay, Amy. Angels don閳ユ獩 get as many hugs as you would think, and I never pass one up." I hugged him a long time before I let him go. Then I thanked him for helping me, and being my friend.

He took my hand again and said, "I閳ユ獟l always be your friend, Amy, and I閳ユ獟l always be watching over you, but you mustn閳ユ獩 thank me for what has been done. Thank God for his wisdom in giving you another chance to live. He doesn閳ユ獩 do this often, so He must think you閳ユ獧e special."

He was quiet for a moment, then spoke. "There閳ユ獨 a price to pay for this second chance. God expects something from you. You閳ユ獟l know what it is when the time is right."

I told him I would do whatever God wanted from me, and smiled happily at him. He smiled back and squeezed my hand gently before he spoke again. "There閳ユ獨 just one more thing I have to tell you. When you wake up tomorrow you閳ユ獟l find someone with you. Someone deep inside you."

He paused a moment, then went on speaking. "She閳ユ獨 kind of like a second soul on loan for awhile. That person will be the Amy I sat with before in this gazebo; the Amy that lived five years of pain and misery you閳ユ獟l never know. You won閳ユ獩 carry all the memories that she will have, but you will remember what you need to know, and that God has given you a second chance. Listen to her. Think of her like an older sister, and follow her lead. When you reach the age she was when she died, you閳ユ獟l become one again, and all of her bad memories, and all of what閳ユ獨 happening now, will be erased because they will never have happened."

I promised Arielle I would listen to her, and use her wisdom to guide me. He squeezed my hand and smiled. "I閳ユ獟l always be near. Don閳ユ獩 forget to thank God for the gift He閳ユ獨 given you."


The sun coming through the window woke me. I remembered my dream about Arielle in great detail. As I knelt beside my bed, and thanked God, I felt her presence. It was a nice feeling, like having someone who loves you close by, and I knew she could feel me too. We couldn閳ユ獩 actually talk with each other, but we could share feelings back and forth. It was a school day, so I dressed accordingly and went downstairs.

Mom had breakfast ready, and Dad was already eating. I kissed them both before I sat down to eat. Dad smiled and said, "What閳ユ獨 going on here? Am I in the right house? First I get kissed in the middle of the night, and now I get kissed in the middle of my coffee. I閳ユ獡 not used to this much attention, but I like it."

I grinned at him, and kept eating. Mom said if I didn閳ユ獩 stop grinning, my face would get stuck, and I閳ユ獓 have to grin for the rest of my life. I laughed as I ran out the door.

I was walking alone some distance from the other kids when I felt a nagging from somewhere inside me, and remembered something Mom had told me a long time ago. I ran to catch the other kids, and the feeling went away. Mom had always told me to stay with a group of kids when I walked to and from school. I knew who had put that memory in my mind. Maybe we could talk to each other after all. I laughed to myself, and thought about being stuck with a nag who was always fussing about me, and felt her laugh with me. It was kind of fun having a big sister living inside me. I felt her smile at my thought, and I smiled back.


One of my friends gave me a piece of paper with a website address on it, as we walked home after school. I listened to the girl talk about the cool guys there, and I could feel the fear building up inside me. I knew it was Sis warning me, and made a mental note to throw it in the next trash container we passed. Sis brushed my thought aside; she wanted me to keep it. I remembered my promise to Arielle, and put it in my book bag.

I tried talking to her after we got home, and asked her why she wanted me to keep the note that scared her so much. Sis let parts of our previous life come into my mind. I knew she was keeping the worst of it from me, and I was thankful. Once I understood, and stopped crying for her, I knew she was right. If I weren閳ユ獩 the one the boy called Chad chatted with, some other girl would be raped. We agreed to find a way to stop this guy once and for all, and we both had the same thought. Maybe this was what God wanted us to do for him.

I have always loved to draw, and I was good at it. I grabbed a sketchpad, and got ready. I had no memory of the men who raped us, but Sis had been there twice, and seen them all the last time. I sketched them as she placed the images of the men into my mind. She suggested small corrections where needed, and soon we were done. The next step was how to get the police to arrest them since I hadn閳ユ獩 actually been raped yet. That would have happened several days from now. There was only one way. We had to convince the police these guys already raped someone.


I left school early the next day, and ran to the police station. When I told the officer behind the desk I wanted to report a rape, he picked up the phone. Soon I was in a room with two detectives, one of them a woman. She asked me when I had been raped, and I told her it was my friend who had been raped. They wanted to know who my friend was. I explained that my friend was afraid to come with me, and that I had promised not to tell her name. I didn閳ユ獩 think they were convinced there was a friend, or that anyone had been raped. I never have been a good liar.

An uniformed policeman caught my eye as he walked by. It was Arielle, and he winked at me as he passed. Finally, out of desperation, I just gave them the paper with the website address and the pictures. After they looked at the pictures the woman said, "Where did you get these, dear?" I explained that my friend had described them, and I drew them.

The woman looked hard at me and said, "Amy, you are one poor liar. I know some of these guys. No rape victim could have remembered this many men well enough to give you a description this detailed to draw by. You had to have seen these men yourself, and you sure weren閳ユ獩 being raped when you did. Did you see someone get raped by these men?"

I felt tears roll down my face and sat quietly not knowing how to answer her. The time we had left to contact Chad came closer. The male detective took pity on me, and said to his partner, "I know most of these guys too. Somehow this girl knows these men, and I believe she閳ユ獨 trying to stop someone from being hurt. Let閳ユ獨 look into it. At least three of these guys are known pedophiles, and the rest aren閳ユ獩 much better."

The woman looked at me for a moment, then smiled. "I think you閳ユ獧e right, Al. I still think she閳ユ獨 lying, but she閳ユ獨 trying to help someone. What do you want us to do, dear?"

I quickly explained Chad would be in the chat room in just a few minutes, and we would have to catch him then, or maybe not at all. The woman took me to a computer, and told me to contact Chad for them. I opened the site and typed. "Hi! My names Amy and I閳ユ獡 fourteen. Does anyone want to chat with me?"

The reply came through word for word, as I had told the police it would. "Hi, my names Chad. I閳ユ獡 15 and I go to Lincoln High School. I閳ユ獓 love to chat with you, Amy. Where do you go to school?"

The policewoman asked me to stall him for a few minutes. I typed, "brb, my mothers calling me. I don閳ユ獩 want her to know I閳ユ獡 online. Please wait, Chad."

Chad replied, "I閳ユ獟l be waiting, Amy."

The police gave me instructions on what to say, and I went back into the chat room. Afterwards they took me home. Mom was very upset when she opened the door, and saw me with a policewoman, until she understood I wasn閳ユ獩 in trouble. I left them alone while they talked.

I thought to myself, "I blew it, didn閳ユ獩 I? I閳ユ獡 not a good enough liar."

A reply came into my mind. "Maybe not, dear. We閳ユ獫e got a lot of people thinking about what we had to say, and they閳ユ獫e set a trap for him. At the very least, we閳ユ獫e stopped one rape."

I said, "I hope so, Sis."


We had visitors a couple of days later. The two police detectives stopped in. Mom and Dad were both home, and we all went into the living room to talk.

The policewoman spoke first. "We stopped in to thank Amy, and to fill you all in on what閳ユ獨 happening. We followed up on the trap Amy helped us set up. We caught this guy who calls himself Ned, and charged him with attempted child enticement. Because he閳ユ獨 a known pedophile, that alone would have been enough to keep him locked up for years, but more charges came up later."

She paused for a moment, then continued, "We also rounded up the vagrants who matched the pictures Amy gave us, and questioned them. One of them offered to talk if we made him a deal. He gave us the names of the men involved in the rape, and subsequent death, of an eleven-year-old girl last March. A witness saw several men leaving the building where the death took place, and identified Ned and his friend Ernie from the pictures Amy gave us. Every person in those pictures is in jail charged with rape or murder. These guys are still giving names up, and we have several other men in custody who weren閳ユ獩 even in the pictures Amy gave us."

The male detective took over and said, "Amy, neither of us believed that cock and bull story you told us at the stationhouse. We were both ready to send you home in a squad car, and ask your parents to ground you for awhile. We don閳ユ獩 know how you got the information you gave us, but we閳ユ獧e sure happy you came in with it."

He gave me a smile before he went on. "Anytime you want to come down and tell me a tall tale, I閳ユ獡 ready to listen. There閳ユ獨 no question you閳ユ獫e saved some young girls from being raped, and maybe even murdered. Thank you, Amy!"

Sis and I chattered back and forth excitedly after the police left. We hadn閳ユ獩 expected to do this well. Mom and Dad gave up trying to get the real story out of me. I tried to explain that the real story was totally unbelievable.


Mom took us shopping at the Mall the other day. I saw a familiar face in the crowd. I waved and Arielle waved back. He gave us the thumbs up sign and disappeared into the crowd. Mom asked who he was. She gave me a strange look when I answered, "He閳ユ獨 just an old friend of mine from a time that never happened."

I heard Sis giggle in my mind as Mom said, "Teenagers! Who can understand them?" I giggled out loud for both of us.


The years have passed, and I閳ユ獡 in college now. The day when Sis and I will become one again, and lose the ability to talk to each other, will come before summer break ends. Sis feels as sad as I do. I閳ユ獡 happy she got back the five years of life taken from her, but I閳ユ獟l miss her terribly. We spend all of our time talking about that coming day. I閳ユ獡 scared, and so is Sis.


Today is the fifth anniversary of Sis閳ユ獨 death. She doesn閳ユ獩 know what time it was when she died, but does remember it was late morning. We have only a few hours left together. I feel as if her arms are wrapped tightly around me, as I sit in my room crying, but I know that閳ユ獨 not possible. Still, I reach inside myself, and try to hold her tight to me so she can閳ユ獩 leave. I began to pray to God to let her stay, but she stopped me.

"Don閳ユ獩 ask God for more than He閳ユ獨 already given us, Amy. Remember what Arielle told us. We閳ユ獟l become one again, and I閳ユ獟l always be a part of you." Sis and I prayed together as we thanked God for His blessing.

People that hate their life, made mistakes,? READ PLZZ!?

Profound solipsistic malfeasance.

People that hate their life, made mistakes,? READ PLZZ!?

Wow I loved this story it was a great lesson. Im passing it on to all my friends!!! Thanks so much :) Report It

People that hate their life, made mistakes,? READ PLZZ!?

very nice.

i don't have more words than that lol it was just too much

People that hate their life, made mistakes,? READ PLZZ!?

really very nice story.mind blowing,it is somwhat kind of lesson giving that we should be concious what we r doing in our life.thanx ammy as i kno u by this name.

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