My wife works in a business office and has been wearing neckties to work for as long as I have known her. She always wears a tie with a button front shirt, buttoned to the top with the tie tied tight. Sometimes she will wear it with a menswear style suit, she has several double breasted, single breasted, and even a couple of three piece suits. This look is a little over the top I think. It looks a little mannish, especially considering her hair is cut very short. She always wears nice makeup and jewelery, to soften the look. Sometimes she will wear a shirt and tie with either a v-neck sweater vest or long sleeve sweater, which is a look that I think is very cute.I would like to hear everyones opinion.
What do people think about women wearing neckties?
I think that sounds very masculine. I know that some women feel the need to assert themselves when their office is male dominated but she sounds like she is taking this to the extreme. Ties, once in a while, might be cute but everyday is too much. No matter what style you choose, you should never wear it everyday. she should try to stand out from the guys -- not blend in. And if she is trying to distance herself from the woman, it sounds like she has taken a bit far.
What do people think about women wearing neckties?
i think it's very cute.
What do people think about women wearing neckties?
no!, not right
What do people think about women wearing neckties?
depends on there job , your wife sounds to me like she should wear one as she works in the office , it would be completely different if she worked in a department store
What do people think about women wearing neckties?
it is your wife,she can do as you please
What do people think about women wearing neckties?
personally I don't like neck ties on women. I think womens uniforms at work, school etc should be a choice between trousers or skirt, and a nice blouse, shirt, jumper, whatever she wants as long as it meets the dress code for work, school etc.
What do people think about women wearing neckties?
It's nice and fashionable.
Alot of wives don't know the meaning of fashion, but your wife seems very trendy.
What do people think about women wearing neckties?
we women would not mind at all because it is considered an office attire.
What do people think about women wearing neckties?
i have never seen a women in a man's would be offsetting to say the least...akin to a man wearing a skirt...
What do people think about women wearing neckties?
She probably has a problem in her office where women are not taken seriously so she disguises the initial impression that she's a woman.
There's nothing wrong with what she's wearing. Your description of her as "mannish" is so outdated as to be Victorian!
What do people think about women wearing neckties?
What do people think about women wearing neckties?
Most people find these 'male' yet when a woman wears them they are definately not male. I used to wear a tie in my uniformed employment. I had no problem with these...
Others do think the black uniform tie is not just mannish, but definately masculine belonging to the MANS world.
Poooooph to them, she sounds ok to me.
What do people think about women wearing neckties?
Well depends, some girls can really pull it off. Sometimes even better than men. Hee hee.
I think it's very Avril Lavigne-ish though. So I don't think it's cute.
What do people think about women wearing neckties?
It's either no. 1. She is a stunner and it wouldn't matter what she wears, or 2. She's not a stunner and looks like a lesbian.
Politically correct?,NO! But I would bet thats how most men and women would view her. Believe me, it won't help her to be taken seriously any more than I would be seen carrying a handbag. There are ways of tying them(much like a bow) that shows what she may be trying to convey.
What do people think about women wearing neckties?
I think it's fine, if men can wear ties, why can't women? Maybe your wife wears men's suits to work because she wants to be taken seriously.
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