Monday, May 7, 2012

Radiodating try this?

Some of you are scientist,

some of you have radiodating equipemnt and beleive everything that it records

ok tery this

cut a lock of your hair,

or use a bit of your fingernail and radiodate it

or try a brick from a construction site and radiodate that

or better use a shoelace, or a piece of clothing

funny isn't it, the way it keeps on suggesting that these modern items are at least thousands of years old

so what does that say about radiodating?

Ever wondered how uranium 238 with a half life of 700 m,illion years is perfectly dissolved and nullified as in the case of hiroshima?

where everyone is living with no adverse effects from the most devastating nuclear explosion of less than 60 years ago,

yup funny isn't it

but don't take my word for it

try those simple experiments, and then report back to your lecturers and ask them why

actually ask them indirectly as it would probably cost them their jobs

Radiodating try this?

How about posting your results oh great one!

Radiodating try this?

A YEC... asking people with radio dating experience to discuss his religious beliefs with him?

How funny.

No, dear. I won't take your word for it. I know better than that.

Go home. Calm down. Get an education. But a real one this time. Then think about the reasons why you are so upset. Ask yourself if your God really wants you to lie just so you can prop up your failed faith. It might just save your soul if you do.

Have a good day, son.

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