Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sort-of guy problems. Could anyone help me a bit?

Alright, I've known this guy for about four years now. I KNOW he likes me, it's been obvious since the end of sixth grade (first year I knew him). He only goes to church/CCD/Confirmation class with me, so I don't see him at school. I used to be good friends with him, but then I drew away, when he started getting all creepy/stalker-y on me. He'd almost get into a fist fight to get the guy next to me to scoot over so he could sit by me. Now that we're older, whenever he DOES sit next to me, he's always touching me. Poking me, putting his hand on my leg, on my back, on my shoulder, playing with my hair, anything he can do to touch me (not 'inappropriately). Well, he's kind of like a big brother to me (was, at least. that faded real quickly...). AWKWARD!!! Can someone help me? Just a little? It's really hard for me to confront him and tell him to quit it, so could we not give that piece of advice. And I can't skip these church stuff because my parents would kill me. So...? Help? Please?

Sort-of guy problems. Could anyone help me a bit?

yeah its gonna be hard but you have to tell him softly weather it be by a note, an email, or face to face that you are uncomfortable when he dose that. or you can get a friend to do it for you and tell him to bakc off. if he cares about you he should back off pretty fast.

Sort-of guy problems. Could anyone help me a bit?

Just act like you're REALLY uncomfortable with it, move away a bit, or slap his hand away or something in a casual way.

Or you could just start talking really loud about the boyfriend you may or may not have.

Sort-of guy problems. Could anyone help me a bit?

Make your parents that bad guy. Sit with your parents and tell them to tell him to leave if he comes over. I did that once. Works like a charm!

Sort-of guy problems. Could anyone help me a bit?

Sorry..You have no choice: tell him to stop. It's not MAGICALLY going to stop. Maybe he thinks that because you don't tell him no, you like him! So you may be inadvertently leading him on.

Otherwise, you'll have to tell your parents and they will probably freak out or underreact.

Sort-of guy problems. Could anyone help me a bit?

just tell him. he might be sad but if you like him two tell him so

maybe you got a future here.

Sort-of guy problems. Could anyone help me a bit?

I know it's hard for you to confront him and tell him to quit it, but that's the only thing that will work, unless you can have a friend or an authority figure confront him for you. If you can show him that you're not intimidated by him he'll eventually give up.

All you have to do is move his hand, look him in the eye and say "Knock it off." If he does it again, say "Knock it off. I'm serious." Don't laugh or giggle even if you're nervous. He'll think you're playing.

If you want to do it more subtly, when he touches you, take his hand and move it. He will probably try to put it back. When he does this, take his hand again. This time, grab his wrist between your thumb and forefingers and squeeze the sides of his wrists together. If you get up and move away from him rather than confronting him physically or verbally he will assume you're intimidated and he WILL use this as license to become an even bigger problem for you. Stop him while he's an annoyance.

Honestly what you need to do is kick him in the shins but that might not be the best thing to do on church grounds!

Sort-of guy problems. Could anyone help me a bit?

I'm guessing you are in grade 10 now? The teenage years can be such confusing times, I don't miss it! He obviously doesn't think of you as a "little-sister" and has some confused feelings for you. You said he isn't doing anything "innapropriately" BUT if it is bothering you and making you feel uncomfortable and weird than it is VERY inappropriate of him, in my opinion.

I would suggest talking to a teacher, a guidance counselor or any other school staff you trust about what he has been doing. If you feel it is something you can tell your parents, then tell them too! Although I understand how difficult and embarrassing it can be to talk to parents about such things. So sometimes a teacher can be the best one to talk to.

I agree with you that confronting him at the moment may not be a great idea, from the way you have described him he could have some violent tendencies.

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