Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Why won't guyz approach me? Guyz tell me what to do? Details below..?

I'm a tall, blonde, rather attractive 22year old who lives in Sydney, Australia. My cliche clothing piece is a mini skirt n top or short dress! As I said, I have blonde hair which is just past my shoulders which I usually blow-dry straight and I as most girls do, I wear make-up. I'm tall (5'9"-5'10"), have a good figure, long legs, have a big, nice smile, love to laugh, I love to be tanned but have a small bust. :(

My friends always note that I have guyz checking me out but one of my guy friends once said, if he didn't know me, he would never approach me in fear of getting rejected :(

I've just come out of a 3year relationship n would really like to start anew....what can I do to get guyz to talk to me?!?!?!

I'm a confident grrl.....but I also have the fear of approaching guyz as I fear being rejected..

Please H E L P! :(

Why won't guyz approach me? Guyz tell me what to do? Details below..?

sometimes you can give off your confidence a little too much and that makes guys feel like youre too good, and theyd get rejected. try not to focus so much on your looks when youre going out. dress down a little, wear some jeans high heels and a basic cute top. see what that gives you... you can also try talking to a guy yourself, if you get rejected move on theres more guys out there!

good luck =]

Why won't guyz approach me? Guyz tell me what to do? Details below..?

umm weird yet awesome

Why won't guyz approach me? Guyz tell me what to do? Details below..?

Scotty J has it right. Just kinda play the eye contact game for awhile just to see who is interested. Then show him that eventhough you are tall, you are still very approachable. And don't wear shoes that make you seem even taller.

Why won't guyz approach me? Guyz tell me what to do? Details below..?

Well the reason why the won't approach you is because you intimidate them lol. Just walk up to a guy you like and talk to him normally so that he feels comfortable. I 'am sure you wont get turned down cuz you sound pretty!!!

Why won't guyz approach me? Guyz tell me what to do? Details below..?

IT is never wrong if you approach guys first maybe you will be lucky to find a good one.

Why won't guyz approach me? Guyz tell me what to do? Details below..?

How do you spell concieded?

Why won't guyz approach me? Guyz tell me what to do? Details below..?

Ok... thats not a big deal.

I liked u n would love to b ur friend.

Accept my propose... hopefully that solves the problem.

Why won't guyz approach me? Guyz tell me what to do? Details below..?

Tall, long legs, nice smile, tanned, good figure, blonde, 22yr old, oh dang...I think I...I gotta go.

Be back in a few.

Why won't guyz approach me? Guyz tell me what to do? Details below..?

Hi you are to pretty for most guys and that's the problem. Most guys would love to be with you but are afraid of you.

Well if you want to chat i wont reject you OK.

Why won't guyz approach me? Guyz tell me what to do? Details below..?

You should go to places where singles go. In my experience observing social situations, I believe 75/100 guys won't go up to a girl even if they're interested and they get a buying signal. The other 25/100 will go up to you, but you will or will not be interested in them. I guess the key for you is, how do you get one you like to go up to you...well....first off...the guy you want should be in the 25%....this means 75% of the time even if you give him a buying signal...he won't go up to you. Therefore, in theory, you should give buying signals to like 4 different potential mates, and maybe one of them will be in the 25%. I hope this helps.

Why won't guyz approach me? Guyz tell me what to do? Details below..?

Be yourself and be natural; don't try too hard; join clubs and volunteer groups; go to cafes and stores; strike up conversations; get to know friends of friends; reciprocate kindness and openness; be genuine, nice; smile; compliment the men who interest you; ask questions or innocent favors. Overall, make men feel at ease and comfortable! Humor helps! Relieve their nervousness, too. Let them know and feel they're not on trial.

I'd probably ditch the miniskirt and other overly sexual clothing and accessories, as it might create a barrier.

The best way, definitely, is to have your friends help by introducing their trusted single male acquaintances to you. That way you've already got a "filter" in place, which will improve the chances of a successful friendship -- and it'll keep you safer.

Good luck there.

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