Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Cannot get a boy=[?

Ok im sixteen and i am athletic i play tennis and soccer i have great style and all my frineds trust mee, come to me for everything cauuse they trust me, and im the life of the group i find all the parties i make all the jokes and I am all ways helping them out. but every guy seems to look at me as the friend. i know my weight probaly has something to do with it but I'm not HUGE like I'm a medium/large at abercrombie and i know how to do my makeup to not look fake and i have nice skin%26amp; hair a but boobs the thing that guys say they like. i flirt I'm not shy but i cant get anyone. and every time i get something started with them some worse less piece of crap girl takes him away and I'm sick of it. everyone please give me advice to the easiest way to pick up guys. I'm not looking for mr right I'm just looking for someone to have fun with. im also sick of my friends saying "you'll find someone perfect later or its them not you" HELP PLEASE girls AND guys please put your input in

Cannot get a boy=[?

Well, maybe you arent flirting with the guys you like, or perhaps the guys thing they are not good enough for you or are just shy to talk to you, the possibilities are endless.

Have you considered talking with guys and asking them out?

Cannot get a boy=[?

"looking for someone to have fun with" meant hookin' up or gettin' laid when i was 16...

so here it is... lower your standards a little and go for the second hottest guy in a group of dudes at a party. wait until he's got a moment alone (refilling his cup, stepping out for a smoke... something) and just ask if he wants to "get out of here".

you don't sound like a heffer, so unless you got three eyes or a hairy mole on your nose, dudes who are looking for "someone to have fun with" will respond.

Cannot get a boy=[?

You sound like a total package. Many guys your age are probably just intimidated and not ready for such a confident woman.

This was the case for me in high school. Once i got to college i met boys easily. I found that in high school i was just more mature that many guys my age. So i just needed to wait it out.

I think its a blessing to be honest with you. I think it is healthy for you to take some time and develop yourself. It will really pay off later on. Just focus on your dreams and goals. Only if someone really special, and you will know when it is really special, comes along and really impresses and adores you should you think about it. learn to find happiness in your personal development. learn to listen to yourself, so that other people will not be able to speak for you. There is no rush, but it is also never too soon. Just let it come when its supposed to.

Cannot get a boy=[?

A lot of this has to do with you reputation already. You're in highschool so most people at your school probably already know who you are and if you're not one to date a lot, guys just don't seem to notice that you'd like to date them. I think you should make it clear that your interested. Find something that you're both interested in and then suggest that you go do it on a saturday, then when you get there flirt like hell. =)

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