Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Problem with my best friend!?

me and my friend where like sisters we live next 2 each and we're both 15 well last year nobady liked us cause of how we dressed

and stuff no boy ever spoke wit us we where dorks this year i sort of changed I picked different clothes and got a different hair cut i didn't know i had changed so school came

guys started talking to me the popular girls started being nice to me guys even asked 2 go on a date wit me when i would walk by i would hear them say stuff like "dang she's hot" and "i got 2 get a piece of her"while they where pointing at me and i would smile my friend would walk away mad y?

Problem with my best friend!?

Sounds like your friend is jealous of your newfound popularity, and probably angry that you're betraying your true self to get other people to like you. Ask yourself if you really like the new you. Are you dressing this way to fit in, or would you be more yourself in your old style? Reassure your friend that you guys are still tight, even if you have changed. If you're making new friends, make sure you spend time with her too, and whatever you do, don't ditch her because other people don't like her. Good luck, I know you can be more mature than most people your age if you really want to.

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