Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I need some creative (and fairly easy) ideas to help my 3rd grade son with a project for school?

I am not very creative or crafty at all and my son has a project due that I am unable to come up with any good ideas for. I really really stink at stuff like this! Here is what we are supposed to do:

On a piece of poster board he will make a timeline of his life with a penny from each year the he has been alive next to the events of that problem, I can do that part.

Then, the poster board timeline is to be used a "body" and we must add a head, arms, legs, ect...the direcytions say to make it look like the, eyes, hands, clothes and everything. Extra points will be given for creativity and extra effort. We are willing to do the extra effort but can't seem to get a plan to carry out. Please help!

I need some creative (and fairly easy) ideas to help my 3rd grade son with a project for school?

Is there a size limit? It might be fun to have him lay down on a large piece of paper and have you trace the outline of his body, incliding his fingers. Then, you can have him color or paste blue construction paper onto the legs for his pants (assuming he likes jeans) and do the same for the top, having him copy the colors of his favorite clothes. If you were feeling REALLY creative, you could use fabric. Then, paste the pennies and index cards with the events written on them across the chest of the outline. Use yarn of the appropriate color for his hair. If youhave a digital camera, you could take a close up picture of his face and print it out on your computer and stick that on the body for his face! Or, just have him draw his face.

Basically, its the same thing, but BIG! :-)

I need some creative (and fairly easy) ideas to help my 3rd grade son with a project for school?

Glad I could help! :-) Report It

I need some creative (and fairly easy) ideas to help my 3rd grade son with a project for school?

Could you make the pennies represent buttons on a shirt?

I need some creative (and fairly easy) ideas to help my 3rd grade son with a project for school?

well - an easy peasy way would be to connect pieces of poster board (cutout into respective body shapes) with those prong paper fasteners (those brass pin spreader type)

you've probably seen some halloween decorations of witches etc. that use that technique - small metal rivets could also do the trick

I need some creative (and fairly easy) ideas to help my 3rd grade son with a project for school?

have him color some hands legs etc and cut them out, ya might take a photo and blow it up and cut it out and glue something on it to resemble hair. I don't know just trying to be helpful. Good luck

I need some creative (and fairly easy) ideas to help my 3rd grade son with a project for school?

get some fake birth stones for his year of birth for the eyes.

use a wig on the head with his hair color

Get some pictures of his favorite shoes and paste them on the feet. things like that.

hope it helps

I need some creative (and fairly easy) ideas to help my 3rd grade son with a project for school?

Aww, get a pic of your addon, blow it up and print, cut it out and stick to a piece of card attach the head to can't get more life like than as for the arms and legs, make them swing by attaching them with paper fasteners... sorry thats the best I can

I need some creative (and fairly easy) ideas to help my 3rd grade son with a project for school?

Use styrofoam balls as the head. You could also cut them in half if you wanted to. (hot glue it might wrap them in panty hose just in case.)

For hair, use yarn

For the body, you could use doll clothes. Find baby shoes for the feet.

Go to any arts and crafts store and just look around. you can find ideas.

I need some creative (and fairly easy) ideas to help my 3rd grade son with a project for school?

Follow the directions to the word; sounds pretty straightforward to me... as you work on it you'll know what to do to "jazz it up".

I need some creative (and fairly easy) ideas to help my 3rd grade son with a project for school?

Just write in different directions with different colors. E.g. Use black/yellow color to write to depict his hair. Use a black sketch pen to write something to make the outline of his face...eyes etc. That's all i can suggest......It's pretty difficult though. All The Best!!

I need some creative (and fairly easy) ideas to help my 3rd grade son with a project for school?

well you could get enough poster board to trace your son..or hang it on the wall and trace his shadow. then take an old t shirt and a pait of shorts and attach them to the outline. add yarn hair or a hat..just cut the front from an old ball cap and use contact cement or a stapler to attach it. then scetch on the face..then all around the outside of the body attach the coins and the info...if you have pics of particularly special times copy them and attach them near the appropriate penny..this sounds like so much fun...if you cant use big enough paper to get a life size outline then make a smaller body and use toddler clothes..let me know if you use my idea and how it works...have fun

I need some creative (and fairly easy) ideas to help my 3rd grade son with a project for school?

Cut out shapes--like arms and legs--and use paper fasteners to attach them so the "boy" can move (depending on the weight of the paper, you may need mutiples at each joint). I'd use colored paper to make clothes (again, cut out shapes, but just gule 'em on) and probably yarn for hair. I guess you could just stick the timeline on the torso, but it might be cool to have it go across the arms, too, so if the arms are sticking straight out the the timeline's complete.

I need some creative (and fairly easy) ideas to help my 3rd grade son with a project for school?

you could use some extra poster board to cut out the head, arms, and legs and use yarn and buttons for the hair and eyes, and maybe put real clothes on him - put a pair of jeans on him and some sneakers. or if the jeans cover up too much of the timeline, just put the sneakers on. or you could put a whole t-shirt and pants on the posterboard cutout, and then just use permanent marker to write the timeline on the tshirt and pants, or type the timeline out on computer and pin it to the shirt and pants.

you could also make the head, arms, and legs out of clay instead if you wanted to.

I need some creative (and fairly easy) ideas to help my 3rd grade son with a project for school?

ok, the hair use yarn.. the hands blow up gloves and tape them on, ,,, the clothes draw or tape on cloth.... eyes, googlely eyes, or coal or cookies the extra'a use an old pair of shoes, for the legs use a pipe or something long... the head a strofoam ball. then color it to the color of his skin, just have fun and i hope this helps. turn the poster board long vertical and try it maybe it will work, or you could put some old clothes on it and cut out places in the cloth so you can see the time line. good luck

I need some creative (and fairly easy) ideas to help my 3rd grade son with a project for school?

I would, for the body, take a picture of his face(I hope you have a scanner to scan a picture and enlarge it), cut it out and paste it onto the poster, using some sort of woolstrings for hair. For the torso I would simply use another type of posterboard, cut it approbiately and decorate it with colorful little pieces of fabric. For the shoes I would cut out of a magazine shoes that fit with the size of the entire body(so they won't look too big or small). Then draw the arms in the directions needed and glue on a little more fabric to go with the fabric of the torso. For added looks I would get some sort of colored glitter paint and frame the posterboard to actually make it look like a real picture.

Another idea would be to glue pictures of each event of his life into the shape of a body with shoes from a magazine(cut them out, put then glue them on a piece of cardboard and then cut that out and glue it to the legs of the body), always making sure though that you have a one picture of his face which you can 'decorate' with a few brown or black woolstrings or other type of yarn to make it look like his hair. Framing it with some fancy type of paint like the glittery type will add to the looks. My son had a similar project when he was little and what we did, we took an old belt, some leftover white ties(from old curtains)and made sort of a zebra striped frame around the posterboard---it did earn him an A+. I actually had to put the poster high enough to let it dry properly because he kept on picking it up to look at it. It was a fun event, and he learned a lot from that(or so he says now)....Good Luck

I need some creative (and fairly easy) ideas to help my 3rd grade son with a project for school?

Here are some of my ideas, not sure elaborate you want to get but...

Legs and arms

Buy 3 pieces of 1x2 lumber ( Home depot/Lowes) cut 1 piece in half at a 90 degree angle. ( to form 2 legs) attach it to the bottom of one of the remaining long pieces. Take the secong long piece and attach toward the top horizontally ( like a cross with legs) to make the arms

You can cut the pieces to any length to make it as large or small as you'd like

Attach the posterboard to the midsection/torso area.

Also may be helpful to saw a slit in the top of the long piece to slide the cardboard picture of his face into for extra support.

Dress the wood in some of his old clothing, use a belt or rope to hold pants tight around the wood.

If you need it to stand up you could attach it to a wider piece of wood at the base for support


Enlarge a picture of his face glue it to cardboard for support and attach to the top of 1x2

It may sound pricy and complicated but I bet the whole project would cost around $10.00 and take less than 2 hours

Good Luck

I need some creative (and fairly easy) ideas to help my 3rd grade son with a project for school?

Teachers use these resources; see if they are useful to you.

3rd Grade Websites

Are you developing a lesson or unit? Use the links below to let technology help!

Kevin, Liverpool, England.

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