Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Why do we even bother with life?

Here I am,

16 years old,

killing myself to get good grades in school.

I'm under immense stress all the time,

and have at least 3 hours of homework,

and still do horribly.

But, we, as mankind waste so much time.

We kill ourselves for 14 years in school, to get a high school diploma, to apply to a school, where we will kill ourselves to get a simple piece of paper that says, "So and so went here for an education."


Now, the lucky ones, get their dream job! They manage to bring home the bacon, and maybe even get married!

A few years down the road, we have grey hair now, our marriage has went from love, to companionship about children, and 50 percent of us are on our way to divorce court.

Oh, and let's not forget our dream job, which we now hate, and has turned our passion in life to crap in our hands.

Then, our death creeps up on us, taking everything we worked hard for, and make it nonsense.


Life is a moment of happy here and there. Why care?

Why do we even bother with life?

Follow your heart.

Do what it tells you.

That will make you happy.

Will you have to do some things you don't want to (school)? Sure, but only until you're 18. Two more years... big deal - you can do that standing on your head.

And then, after that, follow your heart. Do what you are passionate about. Go where you want to go. Learn about all life has to offer (and that's a ton) and soak it all in.

Coming up pretty soon here, you're gonna have the world by the tail!

Oh, to be 16 again!

And do me a favor: Print this question/answer and put it in a safety deposit box, and then get it out and read it again when you're 43...

Why do we even bother with life?

Because we can't help that we are alive, so the best thing we can do is try to live the happiest life possible. We are here for a relatively short period of time so why make is unhappy. Do things for yourself and live how you want to live, you complain about spending 3 hours a day on homework in high school.. come on. There are other things to make life happy, sure we have to go to school but there are so many other things outside of school and work that we can do to enjoy ourselves. You can continue to stay unhappy or you can try and find a way to make your life better, you choose.

Why do we even bother with life?


No just kidding. "But we, as mankind, waste so much time."

I disagree with that statement. Life is not a waste of time. Those who are educated generally benefit and advance society. American society, as of now, still protects individual rights, and allows the individual to flourish. Of course the system is not a utopia. No place on earth is, nor ever will be. This is heaven. People are homeless, die and are miserable. However life is meant to be enjoyed.

"Life is a moment of happy here and there. Why care?"

It is these moments that are worth living. Imagine how miserable you would be without your happy moments, your first kiss, your good times with friends and family, waiting for the tooth fairy and santa claus, how fun that was. These are the reasons you should care. Stop being so cynical at age 16. You sound like me when I was 16, lol. Focus on the bad, life is worthless. Focus on the good, life is beautiful, like you, me, and everyone and everything else.

Why do we even bother with life?

This has to be the most negative thing ive read all day.

Ok you push urself then u become what you wana become....for example..lets say music...i love music..its my major passion and whenever i get music homework i dont see it as homework or practise i see it as fun as hell!

Or i h8 this subject but i always try my hardest and try and get good grades...if i dont get the grades i want then i just push myself further until i i guess determination is a major factor in how you do..

Then after i get my grades and everything i apply for a university right..and in uni i choose music which is my passion...then i get really good at that and i find a job...maybe a musican for a club or be in a band with someone happend to some of my friends..

Then while im doing the thing i love i might find someone i want to spend the rest of my life with and thats awesome as

Then i just sit bak and get money and live life happy as!!!

so dont be so cynical..think of life in a happy way

I used to be real negative and i still am sometimes but now i see that positive ppl have this vibe and i really like that so now im seeing the glass half full not half empty..u should too

Why do we even bother with life?

Hmmmm... that's how I feel, I keep seeing people getting ahead of me, while I'm stuck... ehhh... obviously the choices we make will lead us to our paths, so just make sure you are honest with yourself, don't even think about it as an obstacle or work, just realize that you have a part in this world, and you can make it your own... this goes for everyone.

Why do we even bother with life?

I'm glad you got all that out of your system,as my mother would have said. Please dream a little larger,broader. Don't hold to the mold of it's all the same thing.Do your best to be someone different,something special. You already know you

can. Good Luck

Why do we even bother with life?

Forced/compelled v. erotic/desired.

Life bothers with you, not you with it. If you're bothered by the life of the bourgeois debutante, I suggest you meet someone who wasted their time as an inmate at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Why do we even bother with life?

I would say that we bother with life for the satisfaction it can bring us if we want it to.

To me it seems like you've got a decent amount of stress in your life, but you're raising it to a crazy exponent by being (impressively) pessimistic about the whole thing. Think of what you want to do, what makes you happy (or however you want to feel) and then figure out a way to realistically satisfy that thought... or don't. When you get right down to it you're going to die eventually. You seem to see Death as the great cheat. Look at Death as the great gift. Because of it Saints rest with sinners, all efforts are amount to nothing after death, so why not do what you like hear and now?

I won't say try being an optimist, because you honestly might not be an optimistic person, but you don't seem satisfied with your current world view, so just do whatever it is you *want* to do.

It's not about whether the glass is half empty or half full, it's about drinking what's left and enjoying it for what it was.

Why do we even bother with life?

Sometimes I find myself at the end of the day totally burnout. Why does mental tiredness always translate to physical tiredness. Really, I have no idea. What I know is that studying eaten up all my time. I'm required to go to school and to earn a degree of my own choice.

It's frustrating if I want to do something else but I just can't, i feel so helpless.When we feel deeply uncomfortable, unhappy or unfulfilled we start searching for different ways to satisfy ourselves. Its easy to make changes. Even if we sit still and do nothing, changes happens.

Things don't last forever. If we're not happy on how stuff are going on, it is up to us how to make things less complicated.

To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly. When people want to be happy they must accept that change is a big fact of life. We have to deal with it the best way we can.

Change for the better and to bring out the best in oneself.

So why do we bother with life?


cheer up girl!

if u need someone to 'talk' with?

here's my email

Why do we even bother with life?

I like how you are so pessimistic that you assume everything will go wrong, and you choose to not find meaning in anything, so instead you assume there is no meaning to find, without even looking for a meaning. So you decide to oversimplfy your life and use this as justification of your cynicism.

Why do we even bother with life?

You are wise.

There is suffering and needless enslavement in this world because of foolishness. Education can impart knowledge, but ideal education opens the opportunity to gain wisdom.

The rules of life are simple, yet complicated.

While you are conscious, use that consciousness to do something amazing. Amaze yourself by doing something that you can clearly see that others need to see you doing.

You will be glad that you bothered.

Why do we even bother with life?

Sounds like you need some balance in your life. You shouldn't have that much stress at your age. Philippians 4:6,7 in the Bible says "Be anxious for nothing, but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." There is a lot more to life than school, work, marriage and children. It's about getting to know your Creator and glorifying Him. Only then do we have satisfaction in life. Try reading the Bible (New Testament first). Try asking the Lord into your life. I did many years ago and He has blessed me and helped me so much. Here are some Bible verses to look up: Proverbs 3:5,6; Romans 10:13; Romans 5:8; Romans 3:23; John 3:16. I'll pray for you.

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