Friday, March 30, 2012

What causes the hairs to rise on our arms when we hear a touching piece of music or other emotional

As you already know, fear

and temperature both have strong effects on piloerection (goosebumps)

through autonomic nervous systems feedback systems. These are mediated

like other emotion-linked autonomic reflexes by routing through the limbic

system. These other emotion-linked autonomic reflexes include blushing,

blanching, butterflies in the stomach.

The limbic system is the site of primitive drives: sex, fear, rage,

aggression and hunger. Anatomical sites for the limbic system include

amygdala, parahippocampal gyrus, uncus, subcallosal gyrus, cingulate gyrus,

fornix, dentate gyrus, hypothalamus and hippocampus. These are found

around a major structure called the thalamus which receives virtually

all sensory input. The medial forebrain bundle is a bidirectional

communication with the brainstem which then directly mediates autonomic

reflexes. A second method of invoking the autonomic reflexes is through

the hypothalamus which also sends nerve projections to the brainstem.

Specifically, direct stimulation of the amygdala and hypothalamus evokes

the piloerection pathway. It's in these physical structures that emotional

stimulation by music or the reading of poetry, etc. can result in


BTW, the hippocampus is also involved in learning and memory, suggesting

the importance of emotions on learning and the reason why background music

can help with learning.

What causes the hairs to rise on our arms when we hear a touching piece of music or other emotional stimulant?

they are trying to hear the music better. It is a little known fact that when laying flat against your arms hair is virtually deaf.

What causes the hairs to rise on our arms when we hear a touching piece of music or other emotional stimulant?

may b hormonal secretions

What causes the hairs to rise on our arms when we hear a touching piece of music or other emotional stimulant?

The sound reminds you of a good time... this emotion can bring on an adrenaline rush which causes the hairs on you arms to rise.

What causes the hairs to rise on our arms when we hear a touching piece of music or other emotional stimulant?

Each hair has its own erector muscle that can raise the hair following certain emotional stimulation including fear and pleasure.

What causes the hairs to rise on our arms when we hear a touching piece of music or other emotional stimulant?

every hear on your body is joined to a little muscle, whose role is to rise the hair to produce thermal isolation by the lair of air it retains together with the other hairs (that works only with harrier creatures that have fur, not on people, but we once had fur too, before we evolved). Because the psychological part of us is almost one and the same with the biological part, intense emotions can give you "chills" that make your hair rise.

What causes the hairs to rise on our arms when we hear a touching piece of music or other emotional stimulant?

Stimulus-centeral nervous system and your brain!!!!!!! The music you hear is transmitted in form of stimulii to your brain (hind) and the effector is ur skin!!!!

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