Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Getting frustrated help?

since the day i got my puppy he has had balls and chew toys. i didn't have any problems with him until about a month ago. he chews his nails to the quick,ate the linolium in the kitchen, pulls hair off my other dog just to eat it,he eats sticks, he ate a hard piece of plastic toy( he wouldn't let me have it he took off with it), he woke me this morning he chewed a hole in my sheet rock in the livingroom. he gets plenty of exercise. we walk and play fetch inside and out. he acts like he is restless all the time. he eats like he is starving. i had him fixed a week ago hoping that would calm him down some, but it didn't.he is 3/4 german sheppard and 1/4 collie he is now 9 months old. is he going mad someone please help me with some good advice.

Getting frustrated help?

My friend had the same problem with her sheppard cross. She tried everything to keep him from eating the house. The only thing that seemed to work for her was a Kong. You can buy them at the pet store. The dogs can't destroy them so it keeps their jaw busy. You can also stuff peanut butter or cheese whiz in the middle of them do keep them interested. Good Luck!

Getting frustrated help?

sounds like hes teething.

Getting frustrated help?

mybe he does not like the food u r feeding him. watch him eat and see if he enjoys the food if not get different food

Getting frustrated help?

If someone had you fixed agains your will wouldnt you be pissed i would be chewing on your gonads just to get even

Getting frustrated help?

get help at FIDO

Getting frustrated help?

hello! how are you? that doesn't sound right. your puppy is getting out of control!! if he is not behaving or acting the way he should you are going to have to take him to a trainer or something, your dog can't not stay that way.. he needs help as soon as possible, in order to get fix... the good thing is that he still a puppy and he can improve that really fast...good luck and take care

Getting frustrated help?

It sounds to me like your puppy's frustrated too! It sounds like he's getting exercise, but are his walks long enough for him? Both german shepherds and collies are very active dogs who need really long walks.

Also, since it sounds to me like he's bored, and he's also 9 months old now which has something to do with it, I think you should try something to keep his mind occupied too. Why don't you do some obedience with him - you can do it at home. Teach him how to heel, sit, down, stay, and most importantly, come.

Since he likes to play fetch, spend more time doing that - maybe you can get him to learn to play frisbee. Maybe you could train him for agility - that's physically and mentally demanding and I bet he'd love it.

Just be patient, with some help from you, he will get better.

Getting frustrated help?

Don't feel bad, I had one eat the siding off the back of the house,, all of the patio furniture (even the metal stuff), and half of the back fence.

Puppies explore their world with their mouth, it's just their way

Getting frustrated help?

Give him some coconuts.

Getting frustrated help?

You are giving your little guy too much room! When our dog was a puppy, we confined him to a small area when he couldn't be watched completely. The teething stage stopped at about a yr. - when he didn't destructively chew things. We bought a crate initially and kept him in there when he was really small... gradually increased his area to roam when we felt he wouldn't damage something or harm himself.

Getting frustrated help?

this isn't abnormal behavior for the breed you have. you have a cross of two highly energtic, go all day long dogs. it's great that you spend so much time on him, but he needs more. perhaps you could get him into agility, it is however, very expensive. i can't afford it. i have a 5 month old heeler shepherd mix, and she drove me insane until i treadmill trained her. it took some time, but it gets all her pent up energy out, not to mention i have another dog in the house for her to torment. he's a working dog, without a job. he needs a job, or just an outlet for his energy, like the treadmill!!

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