Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Should i break up with my gf who has "rollacoaster" emotions?

i spend a 160 bucks on her hair and she's all lovey dovey with me. then later, she tells me im a piece of shi+ azzhole.

im lost.

Should i break up with my gf who has "rollacoaster" emotions?

She sounds bipolar,but only you know if that is her true character,or she needs help

because you know her best.

If this is her character?

walk away its not gonna matter how much money you shell out on her.

And lets face it if you gotta shell out money for her vanity for her to love you

She cant have much inside her that would be worth standing by,

Im sorry Life is way to short to be miserable,and you have a daughter also to think about.

So the bottom line is.

Dont you believe you deserve to be happy?.

Dont you deserve respect, and love?

Should i break up with my gf who has "rollacoaster" emotions?

I don't know. . .it's your decision. . .I don't know the whole story. . .but it seems like you must have done something wrong to make her insult you. . .or she's PMSing. . .

Should i break up with my gf who has "rollacoaster" emotions?

she's using you.

drop her.

Should i break up with my gf who has "rollacoaster" emotions?

its probably best to go your seperate ways. she should always be respectful no matter if you spend $100+ or $0

Should i break up with my gf who has "rollacoaster" emotions?

maybe she has bi polar

Should i break up with my gf who has "rollacoaster" emotions?

I would if i was you.she doesnt seem to appreciate you very well.

Should i break up with my gf who has "rollacoaster" emotions?

why are you still with her? ask yourself that. dont let her walk all over you and call you names. and don't spend so much money on her, if she wanted her hair done that badly she'll find a way to get it done.

Should i break up with my gf who has "rollacoaster" emotions?

i wouldn't take any verbal abuse like that! dump her!

Should i break up with my gf who has "rollacoaster" emotions?

hate to say this man but girls with personality wacks like that are nothing but trouble, if you dont see her on a regular basis, say if you where just friends when would you see her, then ask her about it but i could just tick her off, otherwise just break it off with her but nicely and say you still want to be friends, and if she wants you back later have her tell you she wont do that

Should i break up with my gf who has "rollacoaster" emotions?

yes you should

Should i break up with my gf who has "rollacoaster" emotions?

dump her. she is just using you.

Should i break up with my gf who has "rollacoaster" emotions?

Life's too short. If the only time she's nice to you is when you're spending money on her, then she doesn't care about you, only about your wallet.

Dump her.

Should i break up with my gf who has "rollacoaster" emotions?

it kinda sounds like she is just trying to get the money out of you...if you notice it keeps going like that then yea i think you should break up with her

Should i break up with my gf who has "rollacoaster" emotions?

If she is abusing you emotionally then yes you should get rid of her. That's the same as any other abuse. It will mess you up just as bad as she is messed up. Don't continue to let her do this to you its not right. If she won't go to counseling or something get the hell out of there...

Should i break up with my gf who has "rollacoaster" emotions?

I have NEVER spent 160 on my hair. I'm surprised you did! If she changes like that, I wouldn't want to be with her! Anybody that calls somebody an ****** after he spends so much money on her deserves to be DUMPED and let her pay for her OWN hair. This way she can look GOOD for NOBODY!

She should be with the GUY I used to go with, they sound THE SAME!

I NEVER saw anybody change so many times as him!

Should i break up with my gf who has "rollacoaster" emotions?

well she is a dumb *****!! I can't believe that you spent that much money on her hair!! You sound like a keeper : ). Maybe she just wants your money or maybe she is bipolar. Give her some time and tell her how she makes you feel when she acts that way. By the way, you look like a hottie!!

Should i break up with my gf who has "rollacoaster" emotions?

Sounds like a dumb bi+ch. If a guy spends that much on your hair, the least you can do is give him some.

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