Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It seems to me that alot of american women are high maintenance why is that?

Not just American women, Chinese, African, Latinos , Jamicain, hell even Haitian women are worst than american women.

Men, if your out there watch your girlfriends if they ask you

to purchase an Item you can't afford you will see it on them the next day, and dont even ask them where they got it!!! How do I know I have 6 Bestfriend and all of them sleep with men for designer Items , women will sleep with other men even though they have a boyfriend in order to have a designer Piece...

Ladies you know it's the truth don't eve deny it...

I am talking about the hair, nails, jewlrey's, etc.

I feel really bad for the guy's out there working and give these gold digging women money to shop for coach, gucci, prada bags.

I mean a woman paying for it herself " you go girl"!

It seems to me that alot of american women are high maintenance why is that?

Don't feel bad for the men my friend, they want these types of women or they wouldn't be attracted to them. Birds of a feather stick together. All of my life Ive watched people like this and always amazes me that people are like that but it will never end. Dumb people seem to think that money is the answer to everything. Happiness comes from within and that seems to elude 99.999% of the world today!

It seems to me that alot of american women are high maintenance why is that?

yea..... but u seem like a nice type of girl who wudnt! What u said is why i like Asian FOBS. they are cute and are loyal ( well they look loyal LOL )

It seems to me that alot of american women are high maintenance why is that?

I do not subscribe to the idea that things make me a good woman. I think- as you seem to agree- that acquiring things at the expense of living eith integrity is bad. Sure, there are people that take whatever they can get at whatever the cost, but I believe there are people, women AND men who reject this shallow notion. Peace.

It seems to me that alot of american women are high maintenance why is that?

there are other women who are not so high maintenance... you just have to look around... maybe get out of your comfort zone a little and you'll see them. young, successful women who doesn't have time to be high maintenance.

It seems to me that alot of american women are high maintenance why is that?

This is a simple question to answer. Take a look around you. Look at billboards, look in magazines, look and listen to advertisments on the radio and tv. Society gives a perception that a woman should only have the best, most extravagent, and most expensive items. I would see it as somewhat of a brainwashing success. High maintenence women are so caught up on others doing things for them that as the years go by, their dependency on others shines like a sore thumb.

It seems to me that alot of american women are high maintenance why is that?

I'm sorry to inform you that this kind of behavior by women is as old a human existence and will continue to be, men want sex, women wants things for themselves, men can provide those things and woman provide the other.

It seems to me that alot of american women are high maintenance why is that?

What are you talking about?! And what kind of friends are you hanging out with?! Where I come from that's called prostitution. Maybe you need to get a new circle of friends before people start thinking that you are like that as well. After all birds of a feather flock together. Real women with class and decency don't do things like that. Just for your information I have a job (no man, yet) and I pay for my own clothes, hair, nails and trips. So do my friends. We realize that men are worthy of being liked for who they are and not for their wallets.

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