Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Marijuana high?

i made this question because i have alot of people debating on what it feels like to be high on marijuana. im gonna explain what i think it feels like n then i want people that have tried it before to explasin their expierience and try to compare.

to me a being high feels like everything is moving in pieces and like everything takes on a strobe effect without seeing strobe lights. also i can feel tha hairs on my arms jus to the extreme and everything in my body tingles and when you walk everything has a slow motion or strobe effect and sometimes this can scare me because i i feel like ive smoked too much and im stuck in this feeling and i cant get outta it.

neways.... thats what it feels like to me.

i want to kno what u guys feel and try to compare

thank you =]

Marijuana high?

Everything just gets hilarious for me. I'm a retard high...I laugh at everything, eat everything, then sleep for 12 hours. =)

Marijuana high?

ummmm id rather not do drugs

but sounds fun for you :]

Marijuana high?

it feels like something is stuck in my *** and i cant it out, and it makes it hard to walk.

Marijuana high?

ive had good and bad times with smoking weed

i think a lot of it depends on the surroundings, say if your sat in your room listening to chillout music then that could b a good trip, but if your somewhere were you anxious and then have a spliff thicould be a disaster.

ive had more bad then good trips so i dont smoke it anymore

Marijuana high?

when i get high..i just want 30 tacos..i have had the tingley feeling before..but my mouth gets really dry.

Marijuana high?

you shouldn't try it.

Marijuana high?

For me it's a relaxer it's a restful state for me, I don't see anything moving I think you're smoking some laced weed.

Marijuana high?

I feel lighter when I'm stoned. Both physically and emotionally. I get a mental rush and often try to write down my impressions--which later prove to be less profound than previously believed. My sense of time passing is no where near as acute. When not stoned I can tell myself I want to stop a task in half an hour and be sure of doing so. But if I'm stoned I look at the clock every five minutes or so. I do not smoke every day or anything like it, but I smoked for the first time in 1964. Back then an ounce cost about fifteen dollars.

Marijuana high?

Ones perception of a marijuana high varies from person to person....

Marijuana high?

Thats actually the same for me...strobe light effect and I feel like I'm in slow motion I wonder if I'm actually moving in slow motion I don't smoke anymore. But if it's the first time I smoke in the day sometimes I'll get really giddy..but most of the time it's in slow motion.

Marijuana high?

That's what is so bad about pot. You can';t come down when you want to. You think "I wish I was back to normal again now" but you have to wait. What if you Needed to be back in an emergency or something.? Laughing that is over nothing funny, being dumb. Glad I quit years ago.I'd rather be ME!!!

Marijuana high?

Marijuana gives everyone a different high. Me, personally,I smoke weed everyday, so I do not feel the way that you feel anymore. But I used too. Just don't over do it. And when you're high, don't worry about "smoking too much" there is no such thing, so roll up another blunt, an spark heem up.

Marijuana high?

The feeling is just different airy feeling that brings on a horrible case of the munchies then into lazy mode. That's why I swore off of it.

Marijuana high?

OK I have Rumatoid arthritus in my spine I'm 28 yo i have no apatite and I'm kind of depressed most of the time. when i smoke i get hungry most of my pain if not all depends on how much i smoke gos away im happier and i feel better about my self when i smoke it helps me cope with the pain i get in my back and legs. sometimes i get tingles in my arms and i can hear a fly across the room but that's about the weirds thing that happens.

Marijuana high?

dude i quit smoking weed when i was 18. i am 25 now. i smoked weed like some people smoke ciggarettes. and i remember the same feeling your discribing. everyting is moving in there own sections and slow motion. Also all i did was eat and play xbox or ps2 untill i passed out.

i stopped because it got lame. There's nothing wrong with smoking. and for those people who answers these questions with "i don't do drugs". stfu. ok if you dont smoke or do drugs. good for you. more for us. your just answering these questions to get your little two points. so you can feel special when you get to level two. if you dont have anything knowledgable to say other than " i don't do drug" hardy haarrr haarrr/ stfu and move on

but yea man good luck. all symtoms your facing are normal.

Marijuana high?

For me everything is amplified. That's why I like listening to beautiful music when I'm high, I can hear the detail so much better.

I've been an occasional weed smoker for 35 years. It's done me no harm but has helped me relax and feel pleasant when I've been stressed.

I hope all those preaching against it are as vociferous against alcohol.

Marijuana high?

it makes me smile,laugh ... my eyes get squinty and my mouth gets dry .... i get very very very hungry lol and want chips or taco bell ..... it just relaxes me and makes me all laughy and hungry - then i get sleepy. sometimes a lil tingly,or like foggy. usually just laughy.

Marijuana high?

Like you cant remember what happened five seconds ago

Like you're with a group of people who are speaking and you think you're not there then when they ask you something the first thing you say before they have to repeat themselves is EH

If smoking in a car i feel like the cars moving when its not actually moving

If only it was like this all the time and whiteys didn't exist

Marijuana high?

weed is ok once in a while but when ppl smoke and try to do responsible things thats when we all get into trouble. they smoke before work... while driving. ppl need to not smoke it or do it responsibly.... like at home.... before you go to bed


Marijuana high?

lol. okay. well i've been smoking for over a year, and i love it.. i've had so many experiences that i cant come close to remembering all of them.

Its near impossible to describe the high. You can get a different high every time. It all depends on how much you smoke, how you smoke, and what you smoke.

Obvously higher grades of pot will get you higher, and the more you smoke will add to the high.

I think the defenition of the best high would be complete relaxation, and no worries. My favorite highs are when i'm with my best friends, laughing the whole time, smoking, eating and just hanging out. Some highs can make you paroind and thats not fun. You freak out every 3 seconds to see if your parents are coming home or if you have to clean up. You can also get really hyper highs were all you do is laugh, or really chilled out highs were you sit there the whole time and just think.

But the one highs i probly hate the most are when you get regs, and you smoke to much of them, becuase then all it does it cause you to get smoked out and your head throbs.

anyways,, yeah,, best high would defentaly be the ones where i laugh the whole time, and everything is funny, and alot of your high depends on the people you are around. Dont smoke with people you dont like, people that dont like you, or people that dont have the same mind set as you. I love when i smoke with my best friends becuase we can talk about the same stuff, and think about the same stuff and have a fun as **** high time.

Marijuana high?

I have had highs like that, it all depends on the strength of your weed, how you smoke it, and the setting. The setting plays a big part on the high, different settings give different highs. I find something even as simple as changing the way you smoke can make your high new and fresh and that much better. I try to switch up my method every week so that I have some variety. Also their are different weed strains, they have different effects on the mind and the body, try switching up your strain if your not liking the feelings from the one you smoke now.

Marijuana high?

to me, it feels like i'm watching everything i'm doing first-person on a movie screen, if that makes any sense. it also feels any talking or music you hear completely surrounds you. i don't do it anymore, though. i respect it, but it really does suck money.

Marijuana high?

When I'm high, I feel like I'm moving really fast, I can feel G-force and everything is really slow. Sometimes when I move too fast I see things in different frames (as you mentioned the strobe light). Everything is a lot brighter and I feel like every 5 seconds I just woke up and can't remember anything. When I walk sometimes I look like I'm trying to walk over something on the ground. I can get paranoid really easily such as when I'm lying on my desk, I'll suddenly jump out of my chair, as if I woke up from a nightmare. Increased appetite, creativeness, and euphoria. I usually draw and listen to music, but the drawings are usually messy, but a lot more creative, so I just redo them neater the next day. I can usually feel numb or tingly especially on the face and arms. Overall everything is excellent.

Marijuana high?

i used to get like that when i first started, i still do on occasion if the weed is really good and i havent smoked in a while. but usually it just calms me now, i usually feel relaxation in my chest, and my eye lids get all heavy, get really hungry, and ofcourse the horrible cotton-mouth lol. and sometimes if i take a really big hit everything gets all pixelated and i feel dizzy and feel all tingly all over my body, almost like when the blood rushes to your head after sitting down for a while then standing up.

yea i feel ya on not liking to be too stoned. i just like the mellow high's, nothing over the top where you cant really enjoy it lol. just the mellow highs where everything your all happy and what not.

Marijuana high?

at first, i laugh like crazy for 10 minutes,

then i listen to some techno....for some reason it feels like im listening with surround sound, and the music feels somewhat meaningful in someway.....

then i watch movies, tv, and or play my 360...and just sit there for a couple hours without moving and eat 3 bags of im really smacked ill stand up to get something to drink, and walk five steps then stop and forget what i was doing, and just stand

(damm i wanna get high right now)

p.s. the slow mo thing is awesome! try not to be so freaked out about it

p.s.s ( dont watch family guy or south park while ur high, youll piss ur pants from the laughter:)

if i lived near u, id share my ******* KB quad i just bought from my dealer! ;)

Marijuana high?

Well, to be honest, I've never actually tried weed but that's mainly because I haven't gotten the chance yet. But my best friend smokes it like every weekend, and when she gets high, she laughs a lot and eats everything and gets really relaxed and she says stuff that she wouldn't normally say like "dude" and "man". And she's really funny. She makes me laugh. Then the next morning she can't remember much. But she says that means that she had fun.

Marijuana high?

ummmmm id rather not do it thanks...

Marijuana high?

w/e if you tried marijuana then thats very dumb of you and the people who tried it then thats very dumb!

Marijuana high?

You are not so smart.... Don't smoke weed. This is just pathetic.

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