Monday, May 7, 2012

Girlfriend problems?

ya well im sure there have been many of these but here is mine

well im 19 girlfriend is 18, shes in highschool and i work fulltime.

she is a very attractive girl, thin curvy body, big blue eyes, dark brown hair. very flirty sounding voice.

ok my problem is im a very protective boyfriend. i hate guys gawking and hollering at her. i personally get offended when she wears "revealing" shirts and short skirts. when i argue that it attracts guys, she says it makes her feel better about herself, which i understand, but it makes me feel bad about me and her, feel like she is doing it for attention from other guys.(which may i add she told me few months ago that she misses guys giving her compliments. which makes me feel like ****.

and whenever we try to talk it she just starts off by raising her voice and making me feel like a piece of shi*! so can anyone give me any advise on whats going on here.

i understand im too protective, but i feel like i am never right with her!

Girlfriend problems?

The problem lies with both of you. First of all, your insecurity is making you feel like you can't trust her. Secondly, she's not respecting your feelings by covering up more. But when you put it all together, as long as she's not acting on those "gawks and hollers" then she's done nothing to lose your trust. You should try to loosen up a little bit and also talk to her about WHY you feel the way you feel. I hope you two can work things out! Good luck!

Girlfriend problems?

No problems whatsoever, but thanks for asking! I appreciate the concern.

Girlfriend problems?

yep that's women alright

Girlfriend problems?

Well its good that you realize your protective but imagine when girls be hollering at you even when you try not to put yourself out there dont worry about what other people think or say she's yours...she could be with all those guys hollering at her but she's not.

Girlfriend problems?

You will lose her if you're too protective...

Try to relax a bit...

Girlfriend problems?

well duh, evry grl wants to be commented on. it makes her feel superior that ure not the only guy she can get. and of course shes not tryin to dis u cuz if she wanted to leave u she would have went tih some other guy whos less ovr protective! she wants 2 stic wit u. and dude its 2007 wat girl doesnt go out looking half naked. by telling her her clothes r 2 "reavaling" ure sounding like her parents, which mite make her want to leave u! think about it

Girlfriend problems?

I agree with you. She shouldn't need to wear revealing clothes to "feel good about herself". Either she's insecure or she enjoys making you jealous. I don't know what you should do, but I think your girlfriend's wrong.

Hopefully she'll grow up! Cuz she's acting really immature about this. She shouldn't need a billion guys checking her out, she's got you.

Girlfriend problems?

Sounds like you really care about her a lot! Which is a good thing. You don't want others to look at her in that way because you dont' want her to leave you for someone else. Now if I was you. I'll let her dress however she wants let the other jacka$$es stare and holler at her. Because remember she's with you, not them!!! If you keep telling her how she should dress she's going to leave you for someone else. Someone who's not even half of what you are! I suggest you talk this over with her, but talk calmly.

I hope this helps if you have anymore questions you can email me

Girlfriend problems?

It all comes down to trust. If you trust her then it wont matter what she wears.. She could go out naked if you trust her and you will know that she wont do anything with anyone else.. The more you do this the more you will be pushing her away. You should be proud that other guys find your girl atractive.. and show her off and be happy that she wants to be with you.

Trust me.. I have been the girl and I have been in this position. I am now with a guy who isnt jealous and its bliss!

Girlfriend problems?

You are not going to like my answer because the truth is going to hurt. Personally, I think that you two are at a stand still. You have no confidence in yourself. Obviously she will not be your last girlfrined so you need to work on that. Every girl that you will date in the future you will have this same problem. You should be proud of her and if your relationship was a strong one then this minor problem shouldn't be so major. Think about all the problems in the world. Can't you fix yourself and be happy that you have a hot babe that loves you. I think you should play the field and enjoy as many female friends that you can until you are about 30 and go find an anger management class and listen to what they have to say.

Girlfriend problems?

arnt you a man? ofcourse you wouldnt like seeing other guys checking out your girlfriend!! thats something natural!

and why would she want their attention anyways? doesnt she want to be with you? she should dress up for you! to pease you!

I LOVE IT WHEN MY BOYFRIEND TELLS ME (Dont wear this, its too sexy and i dont want other guys to look at you coz i love you and your my girl) .. compliment her a few times if shes dressed up to please you..

if that doesnt work and shes going to acting like a *****, i suggest you leave her

Girlfriend problems?

a lot of guys who have girlfriends tend to be this way mostly because of their insecurities. its obvious that you have no trust in her whatsoever, if you did, the way she dresses would not bother you whatsoever. you need to have faith that she would not mess around. then again, if she's saying that she misses that attention from other guys, call her out about it. for all you know, maybe she's trying to tell you something indirectly. or maybe, she just doesn't like that you constantly mention it. be open with her, talk to her and listen to what she has to say. to jump to conclusion while talking, just have an open mind.

Girlfriend problems?

You just need 2 chill. It sounds like she is getting fed up with it. Tell her she looks nice. Treat her like a princess. It will go a long way

Girlfriend problems?

You are right.

She does not need others..but she does not need you puttin pressure on her either...

She has to love and respect herself. Short skirt wont help her feel more secure. And neither your protective behaviour will. You should just grow into the relationship together, so you dont bother her cause u finally trust her, and she wont feel the stupid need of needing compliments from other guys...(ps.Guys compliment almost any woman who is wearing a short skirt...puh, those are not the good ones...)

Girlfriend problems?

i think you need to trust you're girlfriend she seems very nice if you guys are meant to be you're meant to be, and nothing will break you apart, not even another guy.

Girlfriend problems?

O f course your protective, i was also.if youre under 25 .Let me tell you something!! give her some space. 2 weeks without you , she will wonder if she ****** up. Dont B available . If you love her, dont do anything stupid. But make like you are. hhhang with the BOYS. Good luck


Girlfriend problems?

One min what this s**t stop putting you閳ユ獧e self down for one, you like a women.

dude what are you a man!! act like one, she trying to get you閳ユ獧e attention I bet you have not been dating her long , she testing you, tell her strait say I don閳ユ獩 want you putting on skirts like that if she do bump her simple as, never let a women walk all over you women test more and more to see how far they take you especially good looking ones.

Girlfriend problems?

okay this may sound like it's totally off in left field but i'd like to add my two cents anyways :). I personally think that she may like it that you're so protective because she kinda reminds me of well, me. it sounds like you're really serious with this girl and that's probably the root of your jealousy and she could be trying to attract a little more attention because she likes you alot too (or she would just break up with you or do a little more than just dress a little provocatively) she's still in high school so she may be kinda afraid of being in a serious relationship and may want to be confident that you're not the only guy out there who finds her appealing. just continue to feed her ego if that's what she needs by telling her how beautiful she looks, and realize that she may have a little more growing up to do but that you just need to be patient. i could be totally wrong but i am 19 too so it sounds to me that this could be all it is.

Girlfriend problems?

i know its hard but you have to try and trust her. girls love to wear that kind of stuff. it makes us feel sexy. mostly i wear that stuff to show off to my bf

Girlfriend problems?

Why does she need to wear very revealing clothes if it isnt for you? Why does she need this sort of attention from strangers? On the other hand, do you trust her or not? You need to decide then stick to that decision and get over it. A woman should be satisfied by one man, some women need more than this entirely due to their own insecurities. But you obviously have your own. This is a tough one. Either be the big man and trust her, turn a blind eye to it. Or break up, which would be understandable. How can anybody that's 18 or 19 truly know themselves? Take a chance and go with it, or dont and break up, it probably boils down to that I'm afraid....

Girlfriend problems?

your a control freak, no wonder your gf was round my house last night giving it to me, cos i make her feel good about herself without telling her what to do or wear

Girlfriend problems?

i dont think the problem is her i think its you you say you have been together a month you treat her like you have been married for years ok she wears clothes that makes her feel good would you have looked at her twice if she were wearing baggy keans and baggy jumpers i think not stop trying to change her is it so bad that other lads find her attractive she chose to be with you and if you carry on like this she might not be with you for that much longer you need to sort out your issues cause by the sounds of it she has prob had enough

oh and a whore is a prostitute stop treating her as if she is your property she is her own person

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