Monday, May 7, 2012

I just got my haircut yesterday?

Now it is short, blond and choppy. The longest piece is to the bottom of my chin. It was meant to be flicket out, but this morning I didn't have enough time to mess around with it to get it to work. How can I achieve the piecy, flicky look? And do you think it will look ok to wear to the prom afterparty I'm going to tonight?

Also.. A side question if anyone has the time to answer this.. What kind of makeup looks good with that type of hair and dark blue grayish eyes?

I just got my haircut yesterday?

there are styling waxes or gels out there u could use to piece some together and flick it out..or use a flat iron and sweep your hair outward with it...

i wouldnt go too all out with the makeup. You can never go wrong with nuetral browns (not dark) a peachy colored blush and some lip gloss..

oh and dont forget to curl ur lashes and add mascara to open up ur eyes and makem stand out :)

I just got my haircut yesterday?

You are going to need some pomade or hair wax to control it. If you want it to flip out you may need a flat iron. As for make-up, try a smoky eye and clear gloss.

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