Monday, May 7, 2012

Why is my 31/2 month puppy losing some of his hair on his left and right bottom side?

hes half chihuahua and toy poodle his hair is long only the long pieces of hair is disappearing it almost looks like its been shaved but not bald

Why is my 31/2 month puppy losing some of his hair on his left and right bottom side?

Take him to the vet he could have puppy mange which is very common or he could have an allergy to foods ect, what are you feeding him?? Is he itchy?? Grain free diets are best like Innova EVO or Taste of the Wild if you want to feed kibble. Taste of the Wild has a salmon formula esp for dogs with allergies if that is the case. Do not let the vet talk you into Science diet or anything like that those foods are the worst! Here is a link for dog food analysis that can help you make good food choices for your pal.

Why is my 31/2 month puppy losing some of his hair on his left and right bottom side?

He's either chewing it off, or rubbing it off, or it could be a type of shedding.

Why is my 31/2 month puppy losing some of his hair on his left and right bottom side?

sounds like it is scratching it on the floor. May need to deworm again.

Why is my 31/2 month puppy losing some of his hair on his left and right bottom side?

could it be the mange,or a skin irration of some short

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