i need cute hairstyles, or good websites with instructions 4 hairstyles and pictures!!!!!! i have medium length (longer than shoulder length, but not all the way 2 my elbow) hair. its really wavy, or just kinda curly... either one! 2day i did 2 low pigtails/ponytails and it looked good cuz i left a piece in the front and it had sorta a summery look 2 it. anything works.... the more ideas the better. i want it 2 look good, but not like i spent 3 hours on it. thanks!
Good hairstyles!Please I'm desperate!?
I did a search and there are several good websites that give instructions with pictures on how to style your hair. Plus some sites that show celebrities and description of how they done it.
I hope this helps...:)
I used Yahoo's search engine and just typed in "Hairstyle pictures."
Good hairstyles!Please I'm desperate!?
Good hairstyles!Please I'm desperate!?
Try knots. Just start pulling your hair up by two sections and start tying them together.
Pins....all sorts of clips and pins.
Take sections of hair and do a ponytail. then take another section and pull it into the same ponytail. Go down another section and do another ponytail. Until you have all you hair in about 6 or 7 rubber bands going down the same ponytail. Make sure you center it down the middle of the back of your head.
Do the poof in the front of your head and pull up the sides and tie them together. Pin and spray.
Pull your bangs over to one side and clip it with two pins.
I'm outta ideas now. lol
Good hairstyles!Please I'm desperate!?
i have long wavy hair too, n i love it, its feminine, sexy and versatile...don't go too long though, mid back to lower back is best...if u want long hair to look stylish, u should definitely get it layered! and trimmed into a V shape at the ends if u have really thick wavy hair; U-shaped if your hair is not that thick.
u can put it up in a chignon or do a bun using cute hairsticks, then leave some wisps of hair around your face...looks really hot!
Good hairstyles!Please I'm desperate!?
ok why not try puting your hair in pigtails but instead og pony tail pig tails buns!!! I do it all the time!
Good hairstyles!Please I'm desperate!?
go with layers good luck
Good hairstyles!Please I'm desperate!?
Invest on a good flat iron to smooth your hair. I recommend a layered haircut with angles suitable to your face. One way to sort of control your hair in a fun way is first wash your hair with a curling shampoo like matrix curl life. Towel dry till hair is damp and then brush it out and apply a good leave in conditioner like paul mitchel. Take 2 inch sections of your hair and individually brush it and apply hairspray ( like paul mitchell freeze and shine). twist each section into mini buns and hold tem in place with bobby pins. Go to bed and wake up with fun bouncy hair.
Good hairstyles!Please I'm desperate!?
I'd go with a birds nest, sounds strange I know but I love it and it is so easy. All you need is a pack or bobbies and some hairspray. First you hace to tease it a little, only the ends and not to much or it starts looking ratty. You need to hairspray it before and after because you need the wet look. Then you pull the sides up once at a time, twist it a little put in a bobbie then you got to roughen it up then repeat on the other side, then go beneath and do both sides again the the bottum, then you might need to roughen it all up together. its nice and easy and looks great.
good luck.
Good hairstyles!Please I'm desperate!?
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Good hairstyles!Please I'm desperate!?
Check out hair ideas at www.cropsforgirls.com
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