Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How to Tell Someone They Have a Hygiene Problem?

Begin speaking to them in French.

Ask if they have another piece of "that asz-flavored gum."

"Waste Management Magazine called; they're looking for a centerfold."

"Captain Hazelwood is under investigation for the condition of your hair."

"I bet dogs love rolling in you."

Remember that Police video with all the candles? Re-create that in their cubicle, but instead of candles, use air fresheners.

Give her/him a necklace of little pine trees.

Report all the dead canaries and let PETA handle it.

"Which word didn't you understand: lather, rinse, or repeat?"

By phone or e-mail.

How to Tell Someone They Have a Hygiene Problem?

No stink here Willy just the smells tou like!!

How to Tell Someone They Have a Hygiene Problem?

Geeeezzzz......... thanks for letting US answer your question?

How to Tell Someone They Have a Hygiene Problem?

That is so funny! Wish I had the 'finess' to use it! I especially like the pine tree neclace idea!

How to Tell Someone They Have a Hygiene Problem?

Hey you stink!!!

How to Tell Someone They Have a Hygiene Problem?

just tell 'em straight out. no need to be mean. that is, unless they're stupid people.

How to Tell Someone They Have a Hygiene Problem?

in the simplest words possible people with hygiene problem don't understand complicated words or wise cracks

How to Tell Someone They Have a Hygiene Problem?

i was gonna think of the answers when YOU gave all the answers already!

How to Tell Someone They Have a Hygiene Problem?

Tell them nicely and privately, but don't get to close for fear of the smell or that fact that they might get upset. Good Luck to anyone who has to do it. Oh, and it should be done. They need to know.

How to Tell Someone They Have a Hygiene Problem?


you are one fruitloop short of a full box.

How to Tell Someone They Have a Hygiene Problem?

"Do" like I "Do" Next time you see this "stinky" person, (first make sure there are alot of people around) just say BOY! it smells like all day *** in here. (works every time)

How to Tell Someone They Have a Hygiene Problem?

SO can I have the 10 points?? you answered your question nicely why do you need anyone help??

How to Tell Someone They Have a Hygiene Problem?

There's always those few GROSS people in everyone's life...and now I know what to get them for Christmas: A necklace of pine tree air fresheners! Thanks, Willy!

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