Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Should i be worried about pink hairless spots on my 7 month old dog?

I am the gaurdian of a 7 month old Colby PitBull. Last night after washing her I noticed that she has a few pink spots that don't have any hair on them on her back none on her belly or head. Her body in general is still pink in some areas, but these spots are where she has fur. The past two days she's had aweful diarrhea, and then last night had no bowel movements at all. I think the diarhea might have come from her eating a piece of chicken that she stole from the table. She is getting fixed and her last set of shots on the 16th. Should I wait til then to see the vet or is this something I should really be concerned about?

Should i be worried about pink hairless spots on my 7 month old dog?

You should take her to the vet before then - This could be worms, another parasite, alergic reaction or some type of infection. If they discover it when you take her in on the 16th, they may not be able to spay her because of this existing condition.

Should i be worried about pink hairless spots on my 7 month old dog?

i would call the vet. it could be allergies to something in the house or yard or even her dogfood. if she has diarrhea that's not good. at least call the vet and ask about it.

good luck.

Should i be worried about pink hairless spots on my 7 month old dog?

Young dogs can get a mite called demodex which presents at around 6-8 months of age.

Ask your vet when she is getting desexed to do a skin scraping (shouldn't cost too much) and they will be able to tell u if she has this particular mite.

Demodex is treated with a wash (which is quite potent to humans) or Advocate treats it.

It could also be allergies or staph spots so best ask the vet.

Diarrohea (sorry Aussie spell it differently) starve the dog for 24 hours only allow water then reintroduce normal food if diarrohea continues after starvation then seek vets advice,

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